~*Chapter 42*~

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Izzy's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumincino Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you."

"Beautiful" was the first thing that came to mind as I looked down at the Venetian city below us. I was excited, like a little kid at the candy store. I couldn't wait to get off this plane and find the nearest store that sells gelato.

"Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing"

"The view is amazing up here!" Said Hailey in front of me.

As the plane slowly descended in the sky, the view from down below grew closer and closer. Trees and rooftops whizzed by as the aircraft made its final turn onto the waiting runway and ended with a mild rumbling as the tires kissed the tarmac. A loud rush of air giving pressure to the brakes slowly brought the plane to an Indy 500 speed, culminating into the final act of taxiing slowly but surely into the arrival gate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Rome Fiumicino Airport, local time is 7:43 AM and the temperature is around 15°C."

When we exited the plane and made our way outside the airport, Chris greeted us with a wide grin, his pet rooster in his hands, all-clothed for winter. Michael looked at it evilly.

"HELLOOOO IZZY, RYAN, AND MICHAEL!" He said, hugging the three of us tightly. "And you've brought those three again? Don't they have jobs?"

"Er.. they do. they just happen to have business in Europe." I replied for them.

Chris nodded intently. "Well come on then, we still have to catch the train going to Venice!"

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~Time Skip brought to you by Gifted by @gusjukebox~

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Venice, Italy. Built over more than a hundred islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic sea, the city is home to St. Mark's Square, the Rialto Bridge, the Arsenal and its 4km Grand canals. This unique city with its magical, spectacular scenery is not just beautiful; it is a real miracle of creative genius: a city built on mud, sand and the slime of a difficult, inhospitable landscape.

According to Chris, we're only staying in the city for 2 days. After, we'll be heading to the Amalfi coast where the wedding will take place.

"Beautiful isn't it? I took Bianca here after we got married," Said Chris.

"Oh right, where is Ms. Bianca?" Asked Adam. "We haven't seen her in a long time,"

"Well, she's staying with her parents in Russia for awhile, but she'll be back in a month,"

After some time, we finally reached the hotel. "Welcome to the Belmond Hotel Cipriani!" Said the valet parking attendant in his italian accent.

Pretty snazzy hotel if I must say. All thanks to Manuel.


"Great! so if you need anything, just tell us." Said the hotelier as he closes the door to my room.

I sighed, slumping myself on the King-sized bed. 13 hours from Los Angeles, California to Rome, Italy and another 3 hours from Rome to Venice. "I'm so tired," I said, removing my jacket and shoes. I laid my head on the pillow, hoping to close my eyes. Jetlag's hitting me hard right now, like, I just want to sleep for the whole day.

My eyes were focused on the ceiling. But it wasn't just an ordinary ceiling, it had those "Michelangelo" vibes to it. Actually, this whole room itself gave me the complete Renaissance feel.

I got out of the bed and decided to explore for fun.

The room is like a perfect magazine cover. I'm afraid to sit in case I wrinkle the fabric or stain it with something I don't even know is on my pants. The couch is cream but inlaid with a fine green silk; leaves embroidered so delicately that they might have landed there in spring and just sunk in, but I know they took hundreds of hours to sew. The white curtains are linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust. A cursory look to the right shows me the almost hidden cords that are used to open and close them. There was a TV too, complete with DVD player and a few Italian and English movies. The bed I was laying on earlier was a four poster bed with white linen sheets and a white duvet and a soft orange blanket embroidered with gold thread laying flat just on the ends of the bed. The room's accent must be orange, since almost everything here complemented orange and yellows

What surprised me more was the spacious bathroom fit for 2. The bathtub had settings on it which was also pretty cool. Oh! and they have really nice complimentary soaps and shampoos as well. Everything was so fancy, basically.

I went back outside and some flower near the door caught my attention. It was an orchid that looked so pretty that I decided to smell it to see if it was real.

But as I was doing that, the door busts open.

"IZZY!!!" Hailey screamed. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"I-um.. I'm just checking if it's real," I muttered, letting go of the orchid petal.

She let out a chuckle. "Well, come on! We're going to eat lunch somewhere. Just you, me, Theia, Bri, and Adam. Ryan and Michael are going with us too!"

"O-oh sure-"

"COME ON LET'S WASTE NO TIME!" She said as she pulled me out of my hotel room, still barefoot.

"W-wait let me wear shoes first!"


"So what are your orders guys?" Asked Hailey.

"I think I'll get Margherita Pizza to share and maybe some Seafood Carbonara," I said, scanning the menu.

"I'll get Gnocchi Arancia Antra" Said Adam.

Theia added "I guess I'll have the same. Looks good,"

I turned to Bri and asked what she'd like. "How about you, Bri?"

She was scanning that menu like a hawk. Almost as if she wanted every single thing. "Everything looks so good! I guess I'll have the carbonara too."

After some time, the food arrived and everything looked and smelled really good. "Bon apetito!" said the handsome waiter as he delivered our food. Seriously, why are the guys here so hot?

As soon as everyone got what they ordered, we all ate like we were mad at each other. Everything was quiet in our table.

Everyone was eating, except for Bri. She barely touched her food.

"I-I don't feel like eating all of a sudden," She said as she swirled around the carbonara with her fork.

That's weird. She loves Carbonara.



-Author Chan

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