~*Chapter 43*~

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A/N: I felt like one of the Black butler ost tracks fitted this chapter lol

Adam's POV

After we ate at the Impronta Cafe, we decided to go on a little sightseeing.

After we ate at the Impronta Cafe, we decided to go on a little sightseeing

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"Guys look, Doge's palace!" Shouted Hailey.

"Isn't Doge that dog meme with the "Such wow" thingy?" Theia laughed.

"Well, Doge is the chief magistrate of Venice," Said Bri as she read the pamphlet. "It says here that on Ascension Day, the Doge and the City's most important members got on board and sailed to the Adriatic, to the Lido port. Then Doge threw a ring in the sea, symbolizing the union between Venice and water as he pronounced "We wed you oh sea, in the sign of true, eternal dominion".

"That's pretty cool," I replied, taking some pictures for Instagram.

Speaking of Instagram, Izzy and Theia were taking a lot of pictures almost everywhere. I swear, the last time I saw them (which was pretty much 6 seconds ago) was at the pillars, now they're in the middle of the St. Mark's square.

Everything around me looked so surreal, as if I still couldn't sink in the feeling that I'm actually in Venice, Italy. From the stained glass windows to the pillars and the golden gleam of the mosaics; everything looked as if it came out from a painting. I really made the right choice of going with Izzy to Italy.

We continued to walk around the beautiful Venetian streets, taking more and more pictures. The wind was cold but that didn't bother us. It was a clear day out and little by little it became warmer that I decided to take my jacket off and wear my black sweatshirt instead.

"A rose for you, bella signora" Said some random Italian guy to Bri as we continued to walk. Bri blushed a little, taking the rose and smelling it. "Grazie" She replied.

"GUYS LET'S RIDE THE GONDOLAS!" Exclaimed Hailey as she jumps into the iconic boats.

And we did. We jumped in with her too, Bri sitting beside Hailey and I and Theia on the other side with Ryan and Michael.

Then we took off, making our way down the canal as the gondolier maneuvered us around.

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