~*Real Chapter 34*~

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Izzy's POV

As the morning light peeked in through the blinds, I knew it was time to get up. I yawned, and did my bed hair in a bun to keep it from getting into my face. I walked up to the window and opened the curtains to let in some light. After doing so, I looked outside in awe. It felt like a truly white Christmas as the snow covered the pine trees and pretty much everywhere. It was beautiful, no doubt about it.

Excited, I quickly changed into some thermal leggings with jeans over it, changed my pajama shirt for a white t-shirt and grabbed my faux fur winter jacket and placed it on as I ran downstairs and outside the front door.
"Wow!" I exclaimed as I happily ran around in the snow and fell on my back.

"It's so cold," I shivered, spreading the snow with my arms and legs making a snow angel.

"What do you think you're doing?" Michael spoke as he peered above me, smirking.

"Making snow angels?" I replied.

"But isn't that what children do?"

"Oh loosen up Michael, you don't get this in LA!" I exclaimed once more, propping myself up.

He simply chuckled and pulled me up. However my foot slipped.

For a few seconds we stared at each other wide-eyed. Our faces, literally inches away as I grasped on his arm.

How cute.

"A-anyway, now that you're awake, w-wanna go to the cafe nearby? I heard they have really good croissants." He asked, twiddling his fingers as he looked somewhere else, still embarrassed.

So cute.

"I'd love to." I said with a smile and pecked him on the cheek.


Both of us roamed around the beautiful town of Mountain village, talking about life as we walked on the snow-covered sidewalk. We had a few laughs here and there, mainly cause Michael packed some jokes and puns with him. When we arrived at our destination, the smell of fresh bread already filled my nostrils as I closed my eyes and followed the scent inside.

As I entered, I could describe the air as more delicious than any flavour. Somehow the aroma captures everything good in there: the filter coffee, the various cakes, the danish pastries. The blend is perfection, but as a mixture of flavours they would be terrible- "coffee-cake-pastry", I don't think so somehow. It's the kind of place I can sit in for hours, the air so perfumed without chemicals. I wish I could eat it, that my palate was as sophisticated as my sense of smell.

Michael and I walked towards the counter and ordered some cinnamon rolls, a couple of croissants, and a double egg sandwich. After, we decided to sit near the window with a good view of the valley.

"This place is so beautiful," I said, admiring the scenery.

"Like you?" Michael said, smirking. I could feel heat come up to my cheeks after he said that, but I kept my cool.

"So true," I replied with a chuckle and flipped my hair behind me sassily.

Both of us laughed.

Soon our orders were here. The nice waitress placed them down one by one and when she was done with that, she poured both of us two cups of coffee. "On the house for the young couple," She said with a wink and took off.

Both of us looked at each awkwardly. "Young couple?" I let out a chuckle as I took a bite out of my piping hot cinnamon roll.

"Let's continue to act like one so they give us free stuff, quick" Michael sliced a portion of his cinnamon roll and brought his fork up to my mouth like a little kid being fed.

"Open wide~"

"Michael, this is too big!" I muffled as I tried to chew.

"That's what she said~" he replied, laughing like there's no tomorrow while I was here munching down the big portion he fed me.

When we were done, we bought more croissants and donuts for Adam and the others thinking that they would've wanted some too. After that, we exited the bakery and walked home.

"So, how were the croissants?"

"Really good, you were right."

"Told ya," he replied.

It became quiet for awhile between us. The only sounds we could hear were the wind and the snow under our feet each step we took. I admired the scenery before me. The mountains were pristine and white, even the dark green of the pines is mostly coated in the crystalline snow. I could stand here drinking it all in, listening to the silence that hangs so thickly in the frigid air. But I must keep moving to stay warm. I breathed into my suede gloves hoping to give me extra warmth. I got the jacket, the muffler, the gloves, and yet I still feel cold. Yesterday, it was a little warmer, maybe because the sun was out. It didn't bother me that much during my run.

We reached the crossroads. No cars were in sight, luckily. Michael and I crossed anyway making it quickly as possible before the red light turns green. Suddenly, my purse dropped. The strap was broken and a few of my things scattered so I went to pick them up.

"Izzy? you ok-"



Bri's POV

"Have you guys seen Izzy and Michael?" I yawned as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

Theia and Adam looked at each other and shook their heads. 'Where could they be?'

"I guess they went on a date somewhere," Adam said with a grin.

"Ohohohooo I feel like spying on them again," Theia added.

"Not on a tree again though,"

"Obviously not, I might break the tree with my high-in-protein body," Adam flexed his muscles and groaned like some body builder at the gym lifting weights.


A/N: Another boring ass chapter with a cliff hanger this time :D It was pretty short but oh well, I have to publish 3 at the same time cuz I kinda pranked some friends that this chapter would be published a few days ago (I'm sorry lolol I totally did not get this somewhere)

What will happen next? Will Izzy end up in the hospital again? Or will Michael? (probs not the hospital bills are expensive) Will Bri, Theia and Adam be successful in spying on them?

Find out in the next boring chapter of this book! (Ok maybe I'm being a bit pessimistic but if the book doesn't sound boring to you, then thank you!)

- Author-chan~

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