~*Chapter 6*~

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A/N: Huehuehue If you predicted that he'll be in the movie, I apologize for making it too obvious. 😂😂😂.

'Well, I I think the best option now is to jump off a cliff and die.' I thought to myself.

"B-Bella?" He put a shocked expression on his face, which later turned into a smirk. I never heard that nickname in years. Before when we were still dating, he was the only one who called me Bella.

"I never knew you chose the acting business, Ryan."

"W-wait, you two know eachother?" Asked Chris.

"He's my," I paused for a moment. "M-my ex.."

There was a small silence until Chris spoke up.

"Oh damn.." He paused. "Well then, I guess we should start now. You guys were chosen when you auditioned for parts. No changing now unless it's a big emergency."

"Agreed." I said, trying not to make eye-contact with Ryan. I could feel him staring at me as I walk to my chair beside the table with donuts.


Ryan's POV

I never knew I would see her again.

For the past few years, I lost hope that I would see her ever in my life after our break-up. I learned to move on, which I must say, wasn't easy at all. Just the thought of that scene where she appears in the doorway watching me kiss someone else in front of her made me feel a lot of things. Over and over. From guilt and remorse, to being heartbroken when I saw her eyes start to tear up at the time. But then when I thought that scene left my mind, a glimpse of it came back like it was just hibernating. Somewhere in my brain. Somewhere in my heart. But it was rather faint, I couldn't feel it fully.

I watched her as she walked away. She still has her somewhat diva-ish ways. Same old Izzy.

Some part of me hated her for not forgiving me. For not replying to my texts. For blocking me on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and Skype. For not letting me explain. But I guess you shouldn't forgive easily and I understand that.

"Um..Ryan?" Hands waved infront of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was just Dylan Santiago, a good friend of mine. Another one of my college friends and a fellow actor.

"Oh, hey, Dylan."

"You okay bro?" He said, handing me a bottle of water.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of something." Or someone.

~Time Skip~

Still Ryan's POV

Hours have past, we already finished the school scene. The day has ended, finally. It was 12 midnight and all of us have no work tomorrow. I grabbed the keys of my car, opened it and got inside. I turned on the ignition, and drove off. I went to pick up my girlfriend, Tia, at her house. I guess I forgot to mention that Tia's my girlfriend earlier. But yes, it's true. She made me forget about Bella, and it worked. We've been dating for a year now.

When I reached her house, she was leaning on a pillar going through her phone as she patiently waits for me. I honked to signal that I was here. When I glanced at her, she smiled as she made her way to my car.

"Hey, babe." She planted a kiss on my cheek. "How was work?" she asked, still going through her phone.

"It was okay." Not to mention that I met my ex again.

"Let's just go to Starbucks." I obeyed her and drove to a the nearest Starbucks branch. She said that she wanted to get some Starbucks then go home. So I just gave her what she wanted.

It was 12:30 AM in the morning already. I never knew Starbucks was still open at this time. Maybe because of those late night coffee drinkers. I stepped inside the coffee-scented shop. Just the scent of expresso made my falling eyelids fall back up. I was getting sleepy and from time to time I would yawn. While Tia was ordering her drink, I looked around the place. Looking at tumblers and cups with the logo on it. I heard laughs somewhere so I scanned around to find a guy and a girl sitting beside the window.

As I looked closer, it was..Bella? She seems to be talking to someone. Perhaps a friend? I looked closer but I wasn't able to determine who that guy was.

When Tia got her drink she told me she wanted to stay inside Starbucks longer. Which was great since I wanted to see who Bella was with.

"Great! let's sit over here." I told her, guiding her to an empty table just behind Bella's table, literally.

I looked at Bella, her eyes fixed on her phone. She was checking her Instagram. The person she was with awhile ago wasn't there though maybe he went to the restroom. When the person came back, he sat on the chair in front of her. I glanced to check. It was... Michael?

Bella put her phone down and then they continued talking. In my head, a million questions came. 'Are they dating?', 'How long have they been together?', 'Did Bella lose her virginity to him?'

They seemed to have a fun time talking to each other. So I eavesdropped, countlessly glancing at their table. Bella kept giggling at his not-even-funny jokes. Well, they weren't funny to me. But it was to her.

"I got another joke for you. Did you hear about the two antennas that got married? The ceremony was nice and all, but the reception was amazing." Michael said, making Bella laugh.

There was a small tingling feeling in my gut. I curled my upper lip to prevent me from speaking about how horrible his jokes are. 'Wait.. am I jealous?'


(Nobody's POV)

Ryan continued to stare at the two. His mind had a million thoughts of them, assuming the worst. It's like some part of his heart still loved Izzy, drifting Tia away inch by inch. Tia didn't like this at all. When she saw how much Ryan looked behind her, she turned back herself and just grabbed Ryan by the collar and started smooching. She hated Izzy. Mainly because back in highschool, Izzy was the lucky girl who got Ryan all to herself.

Back in the day, Tia was crazy about Ryan. She had posters of him everywhere in her bedroom. She had a piece of his hair in her album. She stole his favorite basketball. But when she heard news that Ryan was dating her old bestfriend, her soul turned dark.


Isabella's POV (Izzy/Bella)

Just behind Michael, I saw a couple smooching. Oh wait, that's Ryan Beckford. That must be his 'new girlfrien- wait... he's with Tia?

Tia turned back and gave me an evil smirk. There was a slight pang in my heart. Is she trying to make me jealous? They stopped, which was good since it was rather disgusting to watch her lips and his lips join together. 'Blech'

It was amazing how I'm casual with this since I saw both of them did that before. At the same time, I don't know why I'm crushing on Ryan again. Why did it have to be him out of all the people in the world, it had to be him, again. I checked my watch, it was already 1 AM in the morning. There's no work tomorrow since it's my day-off. I remembered I had to get home since it was really late. And Bri might suspect me of going to the club or something.

"Hey, I need to go." I said to Michael as I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder. He looked up from is Facebook feed.

"Want me to drive you home?" he said kindly.

"No it's okay. My driver's there outside."

"Oh okay. Wanna go to the Waterpark tomorrow?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"Sure. a friendly date?"


"Well, see ya tomorrow then." I waved goodbye as stepped out of Starbucks, making my way to the car.

A/N: Hallu readers and Bea! So. This is chapter 6. Hope you liked it. To me, It was kinda crappy :PP and cliche ;-; but anyway, the next chapter will probably be out next week or something idk. I'm a busy human.

Anyway, Αντίο!

-Ecstatic Panda

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