~*Chapter 51*~

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I arrived at the Pantheon, panting. I took a cab, but there was traffic so I had to ran about 2 miles going here. Who knew the hotel was so far from this place? Damn.

I frantically looked around for them, shouting and calling out their names. "BRI WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Nobody answered. People nearby gave me looks, but I didn't care. I was worried for my friends. By now, I was having scary thoughts. What if they were kidnapped? WHAT IF THEY WERE MURDERED?! Ok Izzy, breath. Theia knows martial arts, everything's going to be okay.

A familiar person caught my eye as I reached the Trevi fountain

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A familiar person caught my eye as I reached the Trevi fountain. The familiar tousled brown hair and his gleaming brown eyes. It was Michael, staring whole-heartedly at a coin before tossing it into the fountain.

I ran and threw myself at him, making me land in his arms. "MICHAEL WHERE'S BRI AND THEIA? SHE CALLED AND WAS ASKING FOR HELP HERE"

"What? But they're at the hotel, didn't you see her snapchat?" He replied, helping me up.

"Wow," I facepalmed. "I came all this way here, mainly because I was pranked by the prankster queen,"

"Why are you so gullible?" The brunette laughed. "Well anyway,"

"Stay here with me for awhile, keep me company" He said, sitting down on the ledge of the fountain.

Those words, it felt so similar to that time.. is this deja vu?

"Alrighty," I said as I sat down next to him.

It was quiet between us for a moment. Both of us stared up above and admired the night sky. I mean, what wasn't there to admire? The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything. Except the stars which stood out like pebbles in front of a storm.

"Ah stars.." Said Michael, breaking the small silence between us. By now, all of the tourists and people have left leaving the two of us alone.

"What about them?" I replied, focusing my gaze on him.

"A friend told me, they look like fireflies only they burn brighter against the glowing black satin behind layers and layers of serene clouds above our heads," He said pointing at the stars.

"It's so surreal and it makes anyone wants to reach up for one, keep it in our hands for warmth and pocket it to bring home and keep them in a jar."

"Who was that friend if I might ask?" I said, rather confused.

"Don't you remember? It was you." He replied with a small chuckle.

"Oh.. did I? Well, I guess I'm getting old then,"

"Grandma Izzy!" The brunette then shouted out, making me laugh.

When both of us regained our composure, it was quiet once again. I glanced at Michael for a second, his focus on the floor. He looked pretty down for some reason, it concerned me. "Hey, is there something wrong?"

"Oh um, I'm fine.."

"You don't look fine-"

"I'm.. fine, Izzy" He said sternly. "It's just something's been bothering me.."

"Like what?"

He looked at me in the eyes. He then placed my hand over his chest which was beating so fast.

Wait don't tell me he's..


Michael's POV

"When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case"

I can't stop thinking about her.

I don't know how she has gotten into my head. And I hate the fact that she can mess up with my mind just so easily. To be honest, I'm afraid of love. I'm afraid of the feeling that someone keeps sticking in my heart, making me wondering all night whether she had feelings for me too. You know, that kind of pain. Pains are caused by being rejected when you decide to give all your heart to someone doesn't need it. Pains are caused by opening your heart so easily and casually.

It's been like this for quite some time now, ever since I saw her again in that party. Actually, no.. ever since highschool.

It was then that I realized I love her. That kiss in the park, the times she visited my house when we were young, just being by her side meant everything to me. And it took me 7 years to realize that.

"I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love"

I realized it the moment I laid eyes on her frail figure laying on the hospital bed, her ash brown locks trailing behind her as she slept.

"When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears"

"Oh, I hold you for a million years

I wanted her to know everything. My feelings and how much I love her more than a friend. But then you know, she was still asleep. She wasn't able to hear it back then.

So now's my chance.

"To make you feel my love"


Bri's POV

"OH MY LORD WHAT IS HAPPENING TAKE PICTURES OF IT!" I whispered loudly towards Theia as I carried her on my shoulders while Adam supported at the back.

"WHAT THE DING DONG, IS IT HAPPENING?!" Exclaimed Hailey once more, earning another "SHUSH" from Adam.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT, I THINK HE'S GOING TO CONFESS!" Replied Theia as she continued taking more pictures.

Hailey then started crying. "Oh my god, this is so touching.." she said before blowing her nose. "I feel like I'm watching another korean drama, omo."

"Oh my god, Hailey," Adam chuckled, making Theia almost fall.

The other camera lens Theia held in her other hand fell though.


"NO MY LENS!" The blonde exclaimed quietly making sure not to disturb the soon-to-be couple.

"It's fine we'll buy you another one when we get back, for now take more pictures!" I said, calming her down.


A/N: OH MY LORD HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE I'm sorry I'm publishing late and not on schedule. I have school ;-;

Also thanks for 3.2K reads! I very much appreciate it. AND THE HIGHEST RANK UPDATE I GOT WHICH WAS #4 IN ADVENTURE THANKS

Also to those who added this to their reading lists i love you all. <3

Thanks for still reading!


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