~*Chapter 15*~

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Important note: Video belongs to pilotmadeliene on Youtube.

Izzy's POV

"WE'RE GOING WHERE?!?!" I exclaimed once more. I put my phone on speaker.

"You're going to the Maldives, Izzy. Bring your friends."

Everyone in the room cheered.


"I'll call Eric if we could join in too!" Mina brought out her phone and called Eric. She left baby Elise in Bri's arms as she walked outside.

"What's this for anyway, Chris?" I asked.

"Consider it a vacation for the whole cast," He paused. "It is, afterall, Summer."

Mina came back inside. "We can go too!"

"Better pack your bags, and bring a lot of clothes. We're staying there for a 5 days."

My jaw dropped the moment I heard "5 days".

'This is going to be fun'


~2 days later~

Bri's POV

It's been 19 hours inside the private jumbo jet that Chris owned. 'I swear, these people shower with money. Well, Chris is, after all, a bleeping multi-billionaire and award winning director.' thought as I looked outside, I could already see the pristine waters of the Maldives. Finally, we're here.

The jet itself, is so amazing. It has 2 floors. On the first floor there's a lounge, a place where the jet's staff sits, a dining room, a state-room. Then the 2nd floor has an upper-deck and 10 sleeping berths. Those sleeping berths are rooms where passengers can get away from the noise coming from the main cabin. Chris said, when he was doing the blueprint of the plane, he wanted to have some place where people could sleep in. So he designed those small private rooms of the jet. I wouldn't call this a plane anymore, this is some kind of flying hotel.

I woke up to the sound of Kevin snoring. 'He's so cute when he snores' I thought as I snuggled against his chest. Kevin and I shared a room to save some space. There were alot of people inside this jet. The cast members, the cabin crew, Director Chris' and his wife Bianca. Yes, that Bianca who hung out with the plastics back in highschool. She was the only nice one among them. In 2nd year, she left that group because she was sick and tired of following Diandra's orders. So she chose to hang out with us instead back then. It's been a long time since we saw her.

"Babe.." Kevin's eyes fluttered open. He yawned, rubbing his eyes to remove the sleepdust. "We're here." I kissed him softly on his forehead and headed to the changing room to change into my beach clothes.

Everyone was awake already. They were all downstairs having breakfast. I guess Kevin and I woke up a little too late.

"Hey, Bri." Izzy smirked. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Ey! nothing happened! we just slept beside eachother" I blushed furiously.

They all let out a chuckle. I sighed, sitting down on my chair.

After breakfast, Chris told us to get our things since we're going to land soon. So all of us went upstairs to get our bags.

~Time Skip to the Airport brought to you by that amazing Jumbo Jet Chris owns~

Adam's POV

"Nice.." I took a few pictures. From the airport, you could already see the view of the waters. This is seriously going to make my Instagram feed on fleek once I post all the pictures.

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