~*Chapter 50*~

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~Time skip~

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~Time skip~

Izzy's POV

We were on the way back to Rome, making a few stopovers now and then. We were officially done with the movie shoot. All we need now is to wait for the day it'll premiere.

Jeez, time flies so fast.

"Hey, Izzy.." Said a familiar voice. When I looked away from the train window, it was Bri. "Oh hey," I replied with a smile. The brunette sat on the vacant chair across me, placing her things just beside her and some, already stowed in the overhead bins.

When she was comfortable, she rested her elbow just above her armrest, crossing her legs as she focused her view just outside. "Man, I wish this lasted longer. We'll be heading home tomorrow.." She sighed.

"I agree,"

Yeah, we were leaving tomorrow. I didn't want to go yet, I felt like staying here longer. I sighed as well, leaning my head against the wall, twirling the curtain strings around my fingers. I peered outside, watching things go by. The turquoise waters of Amalfi soon disappeared behind the grey rocks. "Goodbye," I whispered as we enter a dark tunnel. I closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep.

Then I remembered what happened last night.

Michael's well-toned figure stood just above me. As I looked into his eyes I could feel him searching deep into my soul that it hypnotized me. Then he slammed his lips against mine, fighting for dominance as his hand crawls up behind my back and unclasps my bra. I was too weak, I tried pushing him off countless times but ended up just melting into it. It was so sudden, I didn't know what to do.

When he pulled away, he looked at me once more and then got up placing his shirt back on. "You.. should be more careful.." He sighed, standing up. "You're in a house with two guys after all.."

And that was all he said before leaving the room.


"WE'RE BACK IN ROME FINALLY!" Adam exclaimed as he stretched his arms. "I'M HUNGRY"

"Same," Added Theia as they both left their bags with me and went to the nearest cafe.

"Can I go with you guys! I'm hungry too!" Said Bri as she ran up to them.

Soon it was only Ryan, Michael and I, standing there, paying no attention to each other. I looked towards Ryan, who brought out a cigarette out of his pocket and a lighter.

"I didn't know you smoked," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"The secret would come out anyways, excuse me" He said, making his way next to a pole and brought out his phone.

The smell of the smoke coming out of the cigarette was so bad, it was as if someone had put a piece of coal into my lungs. Looking at the man happily inhaling the smoke, I wonder whether my nose was sensing the wrong smell as the man looked as if he was inhaling flower scented deodorant or something.

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