~*Chapter 19*~

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Izzy's POV

It was cold..

Like the Autumn wind..

But that was impossible.. Summer hasn't ended yet.

It was dark..

No light was present..

I couldn't feel my hands and feet..

Evil lurks within.


I woke up to the sound of iron clanking. When I regained conscious, I saw that I was in an empty, dark room. The only light was the one shining upon me. My hands and feet were bounded by chains. Suddenly, I heard a door close. I was scared.

"Ahh you are now awake, you sexy thing.." It touched my thighs.

"I might as well tell my boss that you are awake."

No.. not that voice. That voice with a Russian accent..

When it stepped towards the light, there I saw, the man who almost raped me. The black-haired man with that smug smile on his face.

"You." I narrowed my eyes at him as he went closer. He put a finger under my chin, lifting my head up to face him.

"As cute as ever, I must say." He commented as he let go of my chin.

"Who are you?" I asked with anger in my tone.

He paused for a moment, then turned to me. "You don't remember me sweetheart?" he cooed.

"As far as I know, you almost raped me."

He chuckled lightly.

"I was your first boyfriend, dear."

First boyfriend? I thought Ryan was.. wait..

Middle school..

I gasped. Before me, was Paulo Romanova. The first person who broke my heart.

"Yes, it is I.. Paulo Romanova."


Middle school. Back then, if you're smart, people would praise you. That was life for Adam, Bridget, and I. Theia was a gamer and anime enthusiast, therefore she was considered normal back then.. We weren't popular though. We were just favored by teachers. But during that short time, I had a crush on my batch's playboy. His name was Paulo Romanova. He was nicknamed, "The Hot Russian dude" because of his cool looks and football skills. That's why the girls would swoon over him. At the time, I was naive, just like those girls. Until one day, I received a text from him.

Paulo: Hey.

Me: Oh hey..

Paulo: You know, I have a crush on you.

Me: I have a crush on you too.

And that was when it happened. Althroughout 7th grade, we dated eachother. He would call me pretty, I would call him perfect. He would compliment everything about me. It lasted like that until one day, everything stopped. Like what Ryan did before. For 3 whole weeks, I didn't receive a text from Paulo and I was sad. Until one day, he finally told me, that he told Jennifer he liked her. You guys remember Jennifer right? She's part of the plastics that wanted to be friends with us? Well, she used to be my friend. The irony was, that she was my first friend in that Middle school. Going back to Paulo, everything he said, like those I love you's and all that shit, was a lie. A huge lie. He did that because he wanted to get closer to Jennifer. It wasn't long until they started dating in 8th grade. Whenever I looked back, I would cry. Bridget was there to comfort me whenever the thought would cross my mind.

Then he moved to Russia after 8th grade. First year came, and everything went down so quick. Diandra and Jennifer made Theia, Adam, Bridget and I miserable. They convinced everyone that the smart people were just nerds, showing off how much knowledge they have in their huge brain. Thus, because of their popularity, people believed them. Then puberty came, and in the last days of 9th grade, people realized that Diandra and Jennifer were wrong. Then everything else came. Everything else mentioned in Chapter 14 came. From then on, I forget that Paulo Romanova even existed.



"Do you remember now, buttercup?"

I remained silent for awhile. Until I spoke up.

"Yes, yes I remember." I looked at him in the eyes. "You were that lying.."




I felt pain struck on my sides. I gasped in pain as sweat trailed down the sides of my head. I coughed out blood.

"Don't you talk shit about me, bitch." He said angrily as he continued kicking me more.

"Enough, Paulo." A deep voice said in the shadows as Paulo stopped. Then he left.

"Sorry sir."

I closed my eyes as I tried to ease the pain.

"Hello, my dear Isabella." The deep voice spoke. When I opened my eyes, I saw something I wasn't expecting to see again.


Ryan's POV

"She's inside an abandoned warehouse..?" I said as I parked the car where it couldn't be seen. There were guards everywhere and every single one looked like thugs from Russia. It was like whoever took Izzy was the boss of the Russian Mafia. I gotta be kept hidden.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket, dialing the police station. I couldn't do this alone.

"Hello? I need to report a kidnapping." I said as I continued to tell the police about what happened to Izzy and where she was taken in.

"We'll be right there." The police on the phone said as I heard him call his comrades urgently.

I closed my phone as I opened the glove box. I pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and a gun just in case. These thugs were unarmed, which was weird. I have no intention of killing anyone though, or else I'll be arrested for mass murder if I kill these bastards. Knocking them out is good for me.

I saw a familiar black Lamborghini pull up on my right. That was....Adam's car? Oh wow.

"Adam, what are you doing here..?" I said sternly.

"Ehem," He pretended to cough. "What are WE doing here, you mean." He continued. Theia and Bri were their with him.

So they decided to join in?

"We decided to join in and save Izzy. We knew you couldn't do this alone." Adam added. They all went out the car and so did I.

"Let's do this thing."


A/N: Okay. That was kinda boring but hey, my brain gave out in the process. I kinda fell asleep while I was making this chapter. Oh wow, this chapter was short xD Can't blame me. Anyway, stay tuned for Chapter 20 for some butt-kicking, bad-ass, action filled scenes.

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