~*Chapter 12*~

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Nobody's POV

'This is it, Izzy. You can do this. Don't screw this up! Just remember, don't jumble up words, speak slowly, be yourself.' She took a deep breath.

"Please welcome, Isabella Wilson everybody!" Cindy motioned her to come over at the stage. The cameras moved as Izzy walked over there.

"That's a trendy outfit you got there, Isabella." Cindy complimented.

"Oh please, call me Izzy. Isabella's a mouthful." She asked. She patted off the invisible dirt of her dark denim blue skinny jeans.

"Sure, Izzy." The blonde smiled. "So, people are excited the movie you're starring in. And I heard that Ryan Beckford and Micheal Hemsworth are starring in it too?"

"Yep. They're really good actors." Izzy fixed her dress as she answered that.

The crowd cheered as they saw a picture of the movie cover on the screen behind them.

"When will the movie be on the big screen?"

Izzy suddenly remembered what Chris said. "It's going to be released on February 14 2017."

"Oooooh Valentines Day,"

She looked towards the camera. "So better bring a date with you in the theaters." Izzy winked.

Everyone clapped their hands and cheered after Izzy did that. She is, after all, photogenic.

After everyone finished cheering, Cindy spoke once again. "So Izzy.. do you fancy anybody?"

After she said that, Izzy's face was tinted with peachy pink across her cheeks. She didn't know what to answer at first. 'Who do I like? that's a hard question.' She thought. She couldn't say that she has a crush on her ex since that would make the media go crazy.

Then she got it. "Well, no I don't."

"Denial. Are you suuuure?" Izzy flinched at Cindy's annoying and childish voice.

"Nope. I only fancy pies."

Everyone laughed, including Cindy and Izzy.

"What do you think about all the cray-cray Rysabella and Michbella shippers?" The blonde TV host /news reporter asked. Her long fake eyelashes and barbie pink lips made Izzy think that her look was almost stereotypical.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that. I respect what my fans love."

It was clear that everyone in that room said 'Aww'.

A smirk plastered on the blonde's face. "So, what's your relationship with the famous Michael V, Izzy?"

"Well, he's just my childhood best friend," Izzy replied casually, her hands in the pockets of her white striped three quarter sleeve blazer.

Pictures of Michael and Izzy were shown on the screen behind them. The same pictures that were making the internet scream. The ones in the water park.

"Oh haha cool. You got nice shots, whoever took these photos."

I turned back to Cindy, ready for another question of hers. "How about your relationship with Ryan Beckford?"

"Well, I used to date him back in highschool,"

The whole crowd gasped, with the accompaniment of gasp sound effects. "Oh please do tell. You know our viewers our hungry with gossip and backstories." Cindy added.

Izzy's POV

I didn't want to tell everything that happened. I didn't want to ruin Ryan's image either. I didn't want his fans to see him as a player. But who knows, they might think he's hotter. Eh, still not telling them. In the eyes of his fans, he's the mysterious hottie, who doesn't cheat and who's first girlfriend was Tia. When in fact, I was his first girlfriend. But with this new fact I have given to them of me dating him back in highschool, must've ruined everything.

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