~*Chapter 28*~

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Izzy's POV

There was no work day. No shooting, no reviewing of scripts, no stress-inducing atmosphere, just me chilling at home, on my bed watching some Anime. Wearing my favorite shirt and my favorite house shorts.

Yes, it is true. I am a die-hard anime fan who secretly binge-watches during free-time. On some days, Zoe comes over and She, Bri, and I stay inside the TV room, watching either "Rom-com anime or Food Wars (Because why not). Hah, Food Wars. Brings a whole new meaning to "Food Porn"

Right now, I'm re-watching Attack on Titan while I cuddled on my Eren pillow. The curtains were closed, no natural sunlight entered at all. It was cold, so I nestled under my soft warm blankets. Cursed (or perhaps gifted) with fast metabolism, I didn't care about gaining weight. So I went all out on In-N-Out burgers. I munched on my double cheeseburger and sipped on my medium-sized coke while I watched the characters of the show kill some titans.

"GO EREN!!" I exclaimed, almost dropping my burger.

Suddenly, an unexpected sharp thud of a knock rattled on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked, groggily.

"IZZY! YOU BETTER GET OUT OF THERE AND GO OUTSIDE!" The person behind the door sounded like that guy on Snapchat who was responsible for all those "Mission to lose some of Elizabeth's weight" videos that I see on my Facebook feed.

"First, who is it?" I questioned once more.

"It's Michael."

I stood up and took the last bite of my burger before I threw the empty wrapper in the waste bin. After that, I made my way to the door.

"Yes?" I opened the door. Bright light blinded me for about 5 seconds until it adjusted back to normal. There in front of me was Michael wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Beads of water drooped down his toned body. He must've gone out of the shower. A faint tint of pink appeared on my cheeks as I looked away.

"Seriously, Michael?" I said, placing both my hands to cover my pink face.

"Oops, sorry" He replied cockily. I could feel him smirk as he walked away. He's turning into a second Ryan.

"Wow. Just wow." I tried not to laugh as I made my way downstairs.

Why was he in my house today? He, Peter, and Adam had a sleepover in my house. There, now you guys know, and don't take it the wrong way.

I was getting bored so I went to find Bri. When I found her, she was there in her room, still sleeping.

"Gosh, it's already 11 AM." I sighed as I barged inside her room.

I walked towards the curtains and opened the curtains, letting some sunlight in. I heard Bri twitch from the sudden brightness.

"Bri, you should get up now. It's 11 AM."

She yawned once more before getting out of her bed. "Okiedokie, I'll just wash my face."

~Time Skip to Lunch~

Since it was my day-off today, I decided to go to the mall with Bri. We took an Uber to the Grove, which was one of my favorite malls. Mainly because of Cheesecake Factory over there. Yes, Cheesecake. One of the things I am deeply obsessed with.

Bri and I were outside the restaurant/Bakery, checking it's menu.

"Hm.." Hummed Bri. "How about some Pasta and some Pizza?"

"Sounds pretty good."

"Which one though?"

"Maybe a Margherita Pizza for the two of us. I'll be having one solo dish of Pasta Da Vinci. How about you?"

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