~*Chapter 41*~

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Izzy's POV

And just like that, he walked away. He turned his heel, his walking figure slowly moving away. Something in my heart just wanted to say something though. It was beating so fast, almost as if it was going to jump out of my chest.

'Don't go please..' Those words slipped my mind in an instant. I couldn't bring myself to say it. I reached my hand out to him, but then he disappeared, leaving me alone on top of this rooftop.

Why was I feeling this way? It all seems so familiar, like I've felt this way before. The exact same words slipped out in my mind and that moment when he just kissed me out of the blue.. wait didn't this happen in the 9th grade? He was my first kiss. I mean, he was heartbroken that time. He told me something about it in school and then I asked if we could talk about it at the park. I remember it so clearly, we were talking on the bench late at night. He didn't speak at all, his eyes down at the pavement. He had this gloomy aura around him. When he stood up, he kissed me under the moonlight and then just left.

"I just needed a kiss from a beautiful girl to mend my aching heart" his dramatic words echoed in my mind.

All of a sudden, my phone rang.

"Izzy! How are ya?" Chris' voice boomed through the phone.

"God, jeez what is it Mr. Chris?" I said, rather pissed as I placed my phone back up to my ear.

"Apparently, there's bad news. The producers and I were having a little bit of trouble with post-production. It's gonna take about 4-6 months.."


"Well, the movie won't show on Valentines Day afterall. And bloody hell, the release date was perfect for it!" He cursed once more.

"Whaaaaaaaattt," I sighed, how will they tell Cindy Bobble-head?

"So instead, we're showing it in Spring." He replied. "Anyway, are you ready for your wedding?~" He cooed.

"Sure, um I'm ready-"

"GREAT THIS IS EXCITING I LOVE RYSABELLA I CAN'T WAIT AGHHHH" He squealed. "You know, even though this is for the movie, I still think it would happen though."

"In your dreams,"

"My dreams will come true, just wait and see." He hung up.

As soon as I got home, I slumped myself on the bed. I changed from my wet clothes and took a shower because if I didn't, I would've smelled like rain. 'Today is a Sunday' I thought as I washed my face with some facial wash. 'Why not give myself a pamper night?'

Bri gave me a little box full of skin products last week. She got it as a gift from a famous skin product brand since she did a commercial with them. But she didn't feel the need to use them since she had a lot of those. Instead, she gave them to me and Theia. I took out the toner, pouring it onto some cotton pad and rubbing it on my face to get rid of dirt and oil. After, I placed on a face mask, leaving it there for 15 minutes just to give my skin some love after a long day.

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