~*Chapter 25*~

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Ryan's POV

4 days. 4 days ever since Izzy woke up from a coma. She stayed in the hospital for awhile because the doctor ran some check-ups. And of course, rehabilitation. She can walk properly again now and all we have to do now is leave the hospital.

"Are you okay in there?" I asked as I knocked on her bathroom door.

"Yep" She replied as she opened the door.

I looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing her knitted burgundy sweater, skinny jeans, and some ankle boots Theia gave her. Izzy's dark brown hair was braided and she wore light makeup.

"Y-you look nice today." I complimented.

She turned to me and stuttered out a thank you.

We both walked out of the hospital's main doors. I trailed behind her, carrying her bags while she went to hug everybody. Her parents were there, her bestfriends were there. Her siblings and basically, everyone. A few paparazzi's approached her. She didn't utter a word and climbed inside the car. I placed her bags in the trunk while Bridget, Theia and Adam went inside the car. Soon everyone was inside and the car left, leaving me here.

"Maybe I should stop by a bar. Get a drink then leave. Yeah, that should do the trick." I muttered to myself as I hopped inside my car, closing the door and rode off.

Autumn fades in like a softly sung hymn. Slow, saving time to prepare the world for winter. The trees were skirted with a pool of autumn gold and rust colored leaves. When the wind blew, the pools animated, making the leaves slowly drop down to the ground. When I reached the bar, I parked the car and exited the car. I walked inside to be greeted by the smell of strong alcohol and a depressing atmosphere. There wasn't that much people here and everyone seemed... gloomy.

I sat on the bar stool, sighing.

"What's it gonna be?" The british bartender, who's name was Charles, asked as he cleaned some shot glasses and beer mugs. He and I went to college together and working here at this bar is his part-time job. He works for his father's company which was a popular basketball shoe brand called Freedom Jump.

"Just a glass of Jack and Coke, Charles" I said as I slid the money towards him. Moments later, my drink arrived.

I chugged it down, not caring if other people where noticing me, and placed the glass on the counter.

"Hard day?" the bartender asked as he finished cleaning the glasses.

I simply nodded, giving him the empty glass.

"Hey, how's business been doing?" I asked.

"Doing great. Sold over a million shoes over 6 months."

He paused for a moment.

"Cool." I replied.

"How about you, Ry?"

"The movie is almost done, just need to film more scenes then that's it."

"Haven't talked in awhile, how's Kristen been doing? how's the triplets?" I asked.

He turned to me and gave me a smile."Oh they're at home, probably watching Peppa Pig on Netflix."

I looked around for a moment, admiring how clean this place was. It was quiet, and this bar's low profile so maybe this will be my new favorite pub or something.

"I might come here often."

"Why's that?"

"One, the atmosphere here is quiet and I like it,"

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