~*Chapter 46*~

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Izzy's POV

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lose myself but I can't seem to...In this minty moment, my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight.

I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth.

I was melting into it. Forgetting everything around me.

"Izzy.." He whispered before pulling me onto his lap, not breaking away. "I love you,"

His hand ventured it's way down my back and stopped just right over the strings that held my bikini top together and untied them.

In an instant I had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before I drew back into his lips. I could nearly feel the slight burn of the wine as it rolled off my tongue and seeped down my throat with every push of his tongue against mine.

But then I thought of Michael.

I pulled away, knowing that something wasn't right. We weren't dating or anything, I just-I don't know anymore.

"Izzy, what's wrong?" Ryan asked.

I stood up and grabbed my robe, placing it on. "Wait where are you going?-"

"I'm sorry.. I just.. think this is wrong,"

Ryan sighed. "You're in love with someone aren't you?" the way he said those words..

Was I? "I-I don't know what your talking about-"

"Izzy, don't play dumb with me.." His tone was changing all of a sudden. "Who?"

I couldn't say anything. So I kept quiet and ignored his question, making my way inside the villa and into my room, locking my door doing so. I sighed, sliding my back down the door.

I was troubled. Feelings are like temperatures. Attraction is warm, Curiosity is warmer, Anger is boiling. Hate can torch, but it can also freeze. Love... Well, that's a temperature best left under neutral.

Those words of his, it didn't seem to leave my mind. I haven't been in love ever since that time in highschool with Ryan. And it's been so long that I don't even know how it feels like anymore. It was just neutral. I remember a little, like those times my heart skip beats. But realized that I loved him in the way a puppy loves - devoted, playful, trusting. I guess I should be ashamed of that somehow; aren't we all supposed to be tough? That time I saw him with Tia.. it just broke me. It's happened before as well, but with someone else that I couldn't seem to remember. Because of this, I've known heartbreak enough to shatter my mind, to leave my soul feeling like dust in the wind.

Kissing Ryan and almost having sex with him.. I felt like this was really wrong. We broke up years ago and I've already thought of him as a friend. He is a pretty good kisser though, perhaps that's why I didn't pull away instantly. I guess he was also drunk judging by the fact that there was a bottle of wine about 1/4 full right on the table beside him and maybe he didn't really mean for that to happen.

Then I thought of Michael all of a sudden. Endless flashbacks of him and I flooded my mind. It was strange.



~The next day~

Ryan's POV

"You okay Ryan?" Asked Gus, the costume designer

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"You okay Ryan?" Asked Gus, the costume designer.

"I'm alright," I nonchalantly replied.

He looked at me with a curious eyes. "You don't look like you are, "

To be honest, I wasn't. I felt tense for some reason. That memory of of last night, it lingered in my mind. What I did was just so wrong indeed. It felt wrong, just like what Izzy said. I made a promise to myself that I would just stop. Stop myself from chasing after her. It's already obvious in her eyes that she likes Michael.

"Well, you better suck up whatever's bothering you, you have to look extra in-love at the altar," He says, tightening and fixing my bow tie.

I guess I should.

When we got the cathedral, everything was already set up. The film crew were busy doing their work, and the people in-charge of the set were everywhere, making sure that everything was perfect. And I guess it was,

"Ryan! hey!" Chris waved, his rooster was in his arms. Why did he bring the rooster though, I think that's really unnecessary. "Sup, Chris,"

"We're going to start in awhile, are you ready?"

"Of course I am, I'm Ryan Beckford." I shot him a confident look.

"Atta boy! Now go to that place over there"

I walked up towards the altar, standing right next to..ADAM?! "What Adam, why are you here?"

"Chris called me up since he needed a bestman for this," He calmly replied.


"Scene 38, take 1, ACTION!"

With my hands behind my back, I glanced at the bishop, then to Adam. I couldn't keep my excitement.

"Hang in there, bud." Nudged Preston (Adam), my bestman.

I took a deep breath as the double doors of the cathedral opened wide, bright light shining just ahead of me.

"Today was the day. Final details were added, "getting ready" pictures were taken, and last minute touches were provided. However, nothing could calm my excitement to see my bride. Before I knew it, it was time to go stand in front of the ceremony and await the walk of my future wife. As I stood in front of our loved ones, I thought I knew what to expect."

A gust of wind gushed inside the cathedral, flower petals rushing towards us.

"When the light adjusted, there she was, all clad in white holding a bouquet of red roses. She was more stunning than I could have imagined."



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A/N: Omg.


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