~*Chapter 40*~

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Izzy's POV

The both of us ran towards some random building, going up the fire exit as if we were escaping from zombies. For some reason, this reminded me of a book I once read. We ran up the stairs, knowing that our little barricade won't hold them much long. We didn't stop, we just kept on going, not missing one step. Soon, I was beginning to perspire. My breaths shortened and my heart rate increasing. I was getting too tired, my legs are going to give out.

With one quick look, he turned around and carried me in his arms. And for some reason, I found myself staring at him. Sweat trailing down the sides of his head, his eyes fixated on the steps so he wouldn't miss one, and his mouth, giving out short breaths.

When we reached the rooftop, he gently put me down, making sure I stood up properly. We looked at each other, for a brief moment, until we both laughed hysterically.

"That was a close one," Michael spoke. "Just like old times huh?"

"Yeah, I remember that time we placed rats in Diandra's hair." I laughed, Diandra's priceless face was something I would never forget.

"I hated that bitch for bullying you, so it had to happen anyway. My 14-year-old self had a lot of crazy ideas," The brunette brought his hands to his waists, looking up proudly.

The sun was setting in a distance, the skies were an ombre of different sunset colors. Pink, orange, yellow and dark blue; It looked as if it came from a post card. I admired it, placing my hands on the rooftop ledge, feeling my hair flowing in the wind as if I was some Pocahontas of the rooftop. Michael came up beside me and admired it too. His ash brown hair shined in the light and his eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Wow, look at this view," I said in awe as I panned out the surroundings.

All of a sudden, I felt gentle drops of water against my skin. I looked up above and it was.. raining? From a few simple drops, it multiplied to thousands. Soaking my hair, denim jacket and dress; basically, I was soaked all over.

"Oh no, Michael!" I chuckled, feeling slightly cold as the rain plummeted down to us both.

"Take my hand, take a breath..Pull me close and take one step "

I turned around as Michael held out his hand. He too was soaked but it didn't matter much to him by the looks of it. "Care to dance milady?" He said, giving me wink. I shrugged my shoulders, thinking 'Oh what the heck, you only live once.'

"Has this turned into some cliche High School Musical dance scene?" I took his hand, as he pulled me closer to him.

"Keep your eyes locked on mine, and let the music be your guide."

He placed his hand around my waist and his other hand intertwined with mine and he started spinning around while he sang that cheesy High School musical song.

"It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do"

I started laughing, remembering that song from 2010. That was my favorite movie before, actually all three of the Highschool Musical movies. I mean, they're all so good. Whenever Michael went to the house, he'd always let me watch Highschool musical 3 even though we've watched it a million times together. He was chill with it.

For some reason, I felt safe on top of god-knows-where under this rain. Nobody but him could make me feel this way. It felt as if I was shielded from the storm, and from the world. Untouchable.

"And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance.. can I have this dance?"

Together, we danced, our feet in perfect sync to the beating of my heart. Inside I felt relaxed, and allowed a small smile to form on my lips. It felt free, like I didn't have any care in the world. We were reckless, dancing on an off-limits roof top, in the rain with just the two of us there.

"Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop"

I began to realize, that with Michael time seemed to slow down. As if I could see every little branch on every lightning strike if I wanted to. But I didn't, my eyes were fixated on Mickey.

"Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe, that we were meant to be"

One by one, our goofiness started to disappear as our eye contact intensified. His eyes switched from my eyes to my lips, making my heart skip a beat. Just like that, he went closer.

"It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do"

For the time our lips were locked together the world itself ceased to exist, blurred and indistinct as a wet painting left out in the torrent that fell from the dark cloud above. He kissed the droplets from my lips, as I felt my lips smile against his.

"And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance"

When we pulled away, I saw a gleam in his eyes as he looked into mine. But then it changed as he shook his head. "I-I'm sorry I did that.."

"It's okay, Michael-"

"Just forget about that.." He said, looking at the floor as the rain stopped pouring.

And just like he walked away as he hung his head.

"Can I have this dance.. can I have this dance?"


~Meanwhile at the new Cranshaw/Kane/Maxwell Residence~

Adam's POV

"It's called Necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?"

"Why is Cole Sprouse so hot?" Bri said, her eyes shaped like hearts.

Bri, Theia and I decided to watch some Riverdale on Netflix since Izzy's been taking forever to get home. She promised us that we would go have some Korean BBQ as a sorry gift for leaving us. Jeez, we spent 30 minutes frantically looking for her, she suddenly disappears and forgets to tell us that she went home early.

And awhile ago, some limo pulled up in her driveway. We thought it was Izzy, but it actually wasn't. It was some dude in black carrying all of Izzy's bags into her house.

Okay going back. So instead, Bri thought of something BRIlliant. hah get it?

We got some popcorn, ordered some pizza, and gathered all the pillows in every bedroom and placing it inside Bri's pink bedroom. All of us dressed up in onesies, mine was an elephant while Bri's was a mouse. Theia borrowed a Sully onesie from Bri since she didn't own a onesie.

Oh yeah, and Ryan was there too. We forced him to wear a pink unicorn onesie and posted it on social media.

"Read my lips, Justin Gingerlake. Not gonna happen."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Can you go get it, Adam?" Asked Bri, munching away those popcorn. When I went downstairs to open the door, a familiar little pupper peaked on one of the windows. It was Izzy's little sausage dog, wagging her tail as she barked. I opened the door only to see Hailey and the dog in her arms.

"Got room for two more?" She asked as the dog jumped off and ran inside.

"The more the merrier!"

The three of us went upstairs only to be greeted by shrieks that could be heard outside. It was coming from Theia and Bri as they fangirled away when Veronica and Archie kissed. Bri was wheezing, snapchatting everything while Theia panic-ate.

"Jeez you guys are so loud," Ryan groaned, placing a pillow under his face as he tried to take a nap.

All of a sudden, the two dogs ran up to eachother in slow motion as if they haven't seen eachother in years. They met with one another, jumping around like two dogs in love.

"Oh look, they're so cute." I said, as the two dogs started humping each other.

"Uh.. they're both boys.."





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