~*Chapter 23*~

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Ryan's POV

It's been a month ever since Diego escaped. Izzy was still in deep sleep while the rest of us continued with our daily lives. They postponed work for awhile, until Izzy wakes up. Since the editors have already edited most of the scenes and have already saved it into the movie, all we need to do now is to shoot the 3 last scenes.

Summer has ended and Autumn has finally arrived. The cold air swept from the west and the leaves from the trees have turned orange and red. Some were still intacted on the branches and most of it are on the ground. It was 6 AM in the morning, the usual time I would visit Izzy before I would go to work. But before I went out of the house, I wanted to do something first. Tia just came home from wherever she came from last night. She's been gone for a month, which was weird and suspicious. When she came back, I didn't do anything at all. I wasn't worried about her; it felt like all my love for her faded away after one whole month. Did it even exist in the first place?

"Hey, can I tell you something?" I said as I sat down beside her on the couch. Tia held a cup of coffee in her hands, wearing her favorite light blue sweater while her eyeglasses rested on the bridge of her nose. She looked at me, not saying a word. She looked tired.

"Sure!" A sudden tone of boisterousness came out of nowhere from her.

"Uh.. it's not good." I said as I looked down. This is it, Ryan. You can do this.

"What's not good?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Do we still even love eachother?" I asked as I hung my head, ashamed.

"Of course! why do you ask?" She said. It wasn't clear, but I felt a hint of sarcasticness in her tone. It's like Tia hates me or something.

"It's because, I don't feel the connection anymore and..." I paused, "Well, we should break up."

She gasped as she looked at me.

"It's her isn't it.." She said as she looked down. Her bangs covered her face as a dark aura surrounded her.

"N-no it's not Izzy.." I stuttered. It was though..

"Ugh it is.." She said rather pissed.

And with that, she stormed out of the room, crying with anger. She walked towards the bedroom, grabbing all her clothes inside the closet. When I glanced at her face, she didn't look sad, nor angry. She looked scared. But why?

She stuffed all her clothes in one suitcase and stormed out of my house.

"Oh and by the way," Tia looked back at me.

"I slept with your cousin. That's why I was gone for a month."

And that was the last time I saw Tatiana Davidson.

I was still shocked at what she said. No wonder.. she's in love with my cousin instead. She cheated on me and admitted right in front of my face. I was a little sad at this. I guess this is karma. This is for cheating. I cheated on Izzy, and Tia cheated on me.

I walked towards my car, closed the car door and kept silent for awhile. I laid my head on the steering wheel and sighed. I needed a good drink from the bar right now. Like maybe some Vodka or some Jack Daniel's. Or a Jack and Coke. But I can't since I'm already on my way to the Hospital and smuggling alcohol inside would get me in big trouble. So maybe after I visit, I'll head to The Polo Lounge. I needed to forget what just happened awhile ago.

As I drove along the busy roads of LA, I finally arrived at the hospital. I parked the car on the reserved parking level and got out. The smell of anti-septic and disinfectant filled my nose as I set foot inside the hospital. The usual nurses waited for me to enter. I don't know why. I walked towards the Medical Receptionist like what I do everyday.

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