~*Chapter 8*~

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Izzy's POV

~2 days later~

"Jake, why are you acting like this?" I said almost yelling.

"Heather, it's because.. because.." Ryan said in a nervous tone. "Because I love you.."

I glanced at the director, who was motioning Ryan to kiss me. As much as this will be cringeworthy and I want to stop right now, I hope this will end well, because I don't want to repeat this scene over again. Well, this is for my job.

Ryan turned to me and met with my lips swiftly. He forcefully kissed me while holding the back of my head as I placed my arms around his neck.

"Cut!" Chris exclaimed. "THAT. WAS. AMAZING"

We slowly parted, panting.

"You're still a great kisser." Ryan wore a devilish smirk.

I blushed at his remark. A small tint of rose pink spread across my cheeks. "Uh.. thanks?"

Oh my god. Why am I feeling this way..? For the past few days, whenever he would compliment me, I would explode inside. You know what.. I'll just ignore it. What's weird about your ex complimenting you anyway. He didn't mean it.

"Eh. I'm just gonna check Twitter." I said as I sat in my chair.

When it loaded a picture of Ryan and I locking lips appeared. With a caption: Coming Soon. My eyes grew wide. Someone took a picture..

RysabellaShipper171: WOOO THAT'S MY OTP WOOO!


RysabellaFTW: I strongly disagree, @MichbellaIsLyfe. Everyone knows Rysabella is the best. c;

TheAmazingRyanBeckford: Who took a picture of this?😂😂

TiaMamaMia: Ugh. Disgusting.

I was puzzled.

"Who took a picture of this?" I said.

"That would be me." I looked up.

"What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow. It was Peter, my cousin.

"Oh come on.. why the face?" He said as I narrowed my eyes at him in annoyance.

"I think you've forgotten that the guy I locked my lips with awhile ago was my Ex." I crossed my arms.

"I will forever ship this, Izzy."

"Also, you completely ignored the question. What are you even doing here?"

"Oh I just came to visit you, cuz." He said giving me a hug.

"I missed you too, Pete." I patted him on the back.


I turned on the TV while I went to prepare myself some coffee in my trailer van.

"Today's Showbiz Buzz: Are They Dating?" The News Reporter said quite happily. "Movie Stars Isabella Wilson and Michael Vitale were seen in Raging Waters 2 days ago after a fellow fan posted a picture of the two in the Wavepool, swimming around. Another picture was posted on Instagram of the two splashing eachother with water at the end of a waterslide."

My eyes grew wide. People think I'm dating Michael?

"Oh! I got another buzz!" The news reporter got her phone out. "Oh my Kardashian, a picture was posted on Twitter about a sneak peek of The Decision where America's New Sweetheart Isabella Wilson and Famous Movie star Ryan Beckford smooched?!" The News reporter looked so surprised.

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