~*Chapter 31*~

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Izzy's POV

*One Month Later*

"Where are we going, Luke?" I asked as Ryan lead me out of the car blindfolded.

He chuckled cutely and said, "Oh you'll see."

"Wha- if you don't take off this blindfold right now I'll-"

I heard him sigh, "We're here," He took the blindfold. I looked down to see a pathway of candles and flowers that looked like it took a lot of time to set up. He held me by the hand once more and brought me to a beautiful pavilion set up on top of a cliff. I walked towards the railing to see the beautiful view of the ocean and night sky. It was an endless blanket of dark blue with stars that sparkled beyond the moon's corona. Moonlight shined over the waters bringing a sense of serenity to the waves. The Opera of the Sea washed over me and the wave-music was welcome. it was soothing and I was glad to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

"Heather.." Ryan's deep voice pulled me out of my trance.

"I need you to answer me right here, right now." He said as he kneeled down.

I brought my hands to my face as tears brimmed my eyes. Sticking to the script.

"I love you Heather. To me, you are the best thing that came into my life. Now this is the perfect time to ask you, will you marry me-"

"YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" I exclaimed, jumping towards him and hugged him tight.

We pulled away from our tight embrace. Ryan slid the diamond ring on my ring finger and gave me a warm smile. He caressed my cheek lovingly as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips joined together at last, my hands gripped onto his shirt as tears of joy began to fall.

Tears of joy worthy of an Academy Award for Best Actress. Well, according to Chris.

"AND.. CUT!" Chris exclaimed, the clapboard signaling that the scene was over.

Ryan immediately backed away from the kiss, didn't look at me in the eye and walked back to his dressing room. I sighed once more, thinking what could be wrong with him. Is he disgusted of me or something? will it give him some sickness because he came in contact with my lips? Oh well, whatever. He wasn't like that at all last time! Jeez, that guy.

"PERFECT!" Chris' voice echoed across the set.

I went towards Chris to see what he was talking about. "JUST PERFECT!" He repeated with a huge grin on his face.

"Why's that?"

He placed his hand over his chest and sighed, his eyes still glued on to the screen "Because the scene looked so genuine, it touched my heart. Maybe he still has the hots for you, Izzy!"

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from laughing. "Hahaha.. very funny." I kept a straight face and walked away, leading myself to my dressing room. As I closed the door, I leaned my back against the hard surface and sighed. I was exhausted. That scene was quite uncomfortable knowing that he's my ex. I touched my lips that felt swollen, remembering the scene from awhile ago. I could feel my cheeks blush from the image of him smiling at me as we pulled away.

Wait, he didn't smile at all.... What's wrong with my imagination?

"Oh my god, stop it Izzy." I mentally slapped myself and went on Twitter.

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