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Instead of an absolutely terrifying and tragic headcanon, an AU instead
Where Sirius was secret keeper
And he really did betray Lily and James
The real question is why not?
This is why not.
(P.S. Ron is dead. She was going to kill him in the third year, so... AHHHHH WHY DID I WRITE THIS)
Harry was livid, Hermione was crying, and Ron lay dead on the floor. Black just laughed.
"You said-you said only one will die tonight!"
Harry yelled at Black.
"Well, it didn't matter last time did it? No, I wasn't lying at all. He's the only one I need dead. Lasting memory, maybe? And the girl, she's the smart one, she'll be able to tell Dumbledore that he was a fool. No, I need you alive. The prophecy clearly states that the Dark Lord must be the one to kill you. But Dumbledore didn't tell you that, did he?"
Harry shook his head and screamed,
"You're lying!"
Black laughed again, a cold, corse laugh. Hermione shivered and sobbed.
The door banged open and Black's wand flew from his hand. He looked surprised and outraged at first, but then all three living souls looked at the newcomer.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Remus Lupin. Any accidents yet, Moony?"
Black smirked. Professor Lupin glared at him and held his wand out.
"Don't call me that."
Black laughed.
"What, your stupid little nickname? Reminds you of James and Peter, doesn't it? Well, get this, they're dead. And I did it."
Black laughed haughtily.
"Why, Sirius? Why?"
Lupin asked with sadness in his eyes.
"Do I really need a reason? Couldn't you tell all along? I was capable of murder at sixteen, and capable of using others to do my dirty work, as you so recall. Speaking of which, no one knows do they? Of your fury little problem?"
Hermione took in a breath.
"If you mean that he's a werewolf, it's been quite obvious. Always disappearing t full moons, and the essay Professor Snape-"
Black cut her off.
"Snape? Severus Snape?"
"He works here."
Lupin said shortly.
"He set an essay about werewolves and it's been obvious since then but no one cares!"
Hermione finished angrily.
"Hmm. Whatever."
Black turned back to Professor Lupin.
"Do I have to kill you too, Lupin? I hope not- too messy. I've already killed someone and it was so draining."
Lupin noticed Ron's body for the first time and gasped.
"Too bad. I guess I'll be the death of the rest of the last marauder as well."
Black smirked. Lupin intensified his glare.
"But you're forgetting I'm the one with the wand, and you are not."
Black seemed to pause and overly dramatically think about this for a second.
"Yes, yes. Well, you've got me."
He held up his hands dramatically.
"Unless...unless maybe after twelve years in Azkaban I learned to use wandless magic. C'mon, Remus, you were always the smart one. How'd you think I got out? Dark magic? Not likely."
Harry stepped back towards Hermione.
"Professor, what's he talking about?"
Black cackled.
"Oh, have you still told no one? Too cowardly to admit you broke Dumbledore's trust? Now now, Lupin, you're supposed to be a Gryffindor. Why don't you tell him? Tell the world! Like you should have at the start. But you didn't, and made it all the more easy for me."
Lupin's hold on his wand tightened.
"We-we went to school together. You father, Harry, Peter Pettigrew, and...."
Lupin stopped.
"And? I mean, other than yourself. Can't being yourself to even say my name?"
"And him. They found out I was a werewolf, became animagi. Illegally, unregistered. Created that map, Harry. We were the marauders. And we would never, never have guessed that one of us was a traitor. With the animagus of a dog, that was supposed to be loyal."
Black scoffed.
"Loyal? I was loyal- to the Dark Lord. Despite what the rest of the Death Eaters think. But you never learned, any of you. If you kick a dog enough, he bites back. Countless muttered insults about who my family was from random students in the halls, my parents drilling into my mind what I had to be. My mind was made up for me, and I might as well have just accepted it."
Black's eyes softened with regret and sadness.
"I tried. At first, I really tried. Tried to ignore the comments, howlers, insults. But when it surrounds you, you suffocate. You do it or you die. And maybe at one point I would have died rather than give in. But giving in was easier, and it happened all to fast to choose."
Lupin was starting to lower his wand.
"No! It's...he can't be serious... He's just trying to...."
Harry tried to find words to explain what Black was doing but he couldn't.
The creaking of the steps was heard, and Hermione screamed,
Snape burst into the room, wand put and ready to curse it's most dangerous occupant.
"Stand aside, Lupin. We both know in the worst circumstance you wouldn't be able to finish the job."
Snape snapped at him. Lupin seemed at war with himself. He finally stood aside and Snape lunged forward to shove his wand into Black's face.
"Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."
Snape drawled. Black laughed.
"Joke's on you, Severus, because I'll get away no matter what. Ironic, isn't it? The person most likely to be a Death Eater catching one of the least."
Snape glared at him.
"Oh, you and I both know about that tattoo on the inside of your arm. I have it too, you know. How was the Dark Lord supposed to keep us all in check? Does Dumbledore know? Surely he doesn't, or you wouldn't be here."
Sparks flew from Snape's wand and hit Black in the face. He flinched.
"You don't need to know anything. Expect, maybe, that the Dementor's have been given permission to preform the Kiss."
What little color was in Black's face drained from it.
"Do I detect a flicker of fear? The Dementor's Kiss, said to be unbearable to watch, but I'll do my best. Come along now, before you murder anyone else."
Black smirked.
"Too late."
Snape noticed Ron's body for the first time, with his broken, mangled, bloody leg over the edge of the four poster.
"But you meant Harry, didn't you? You should know that the Dark Lord must be the one to kill him. After all, you told him of the prophecy and sentenced Lily to death."
Snape's face was a mixture of hatred and pain. Black snarled.
"Of course, it was Harry and James as well, but you didn't care about them. Just her. Maybe none of this would have ever happened if you hadn't told him in the first place!"
Suddenly, pineapples. Pineapples, everywhere.
April Fools!

Better than last year's April Fools prank, at least

Here's a cute little headcanon about Fred and George filming their own horror movie pre-Hogwarts! (Because it's their birthday)
George threw the sheet over Fred.
"Am I spooky enough? Will I scare Percy?"
Fred asked, peeking out of the white fabric.
"Yeah. Terrifying."
George nodded and picked up their dad's muggle camera.
"Am I filming? Does the red light mean I'm filming?"
"I dunno. Ask dad. Or Charlie."
Fred pulled the cloak back over his head.
"Let's go scare Percy!"
He ran out of their bedroom with George trailing after him, whispering,
"The ghost is known to haunt boring people who spend summer locked up doing homework! This particular ghost, in fact, is going after an extreme boring mortal- Percy Weasley!"
Fred turned around and shushed him. They had reached Percy's door. Fred pushed it open slightly with a little creak. First year Percy Weasley was scratching away with his quill as Fred creaked up behind him.
He screamed, causing Percy to jump and spill ink all over his homework.
He cried, getting up and storming angrily after the twins, slipping on a discarded sheet as Fred shot from the room, George looking over his shoulder to film.

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