Third year

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In the movie Prisoner of Azkaban: did Sirius really have to SET PETER DOWN to turn him into a person? Because he almost got away (he does anyway but that doesn't matter) and it could have changed everything because he decided to be more dramatic. Only one will die tonight. AND IT WILL BE YOU IF YOU CONTINUE WITH THE OVER DRAMATICS

So this is what should have happened:

*drops rat, rats gets away, fangirl comes in*

Fangirl: Now look what you've done! You let Pettigrew get away! BEFORE Harry knew it wasn't just a rat! So now he still thinks Sirius is a murderer, that Lupin has gone insane, and that Scabbers shouldn't be killed on sight! Sirius is going to get the dementors kiss, and thanks to Snape, Lupin probably will too, and Harry will never know anything! He'll never need to save Sirius in the Department of Mysteries BECAUSE HE'LL PROBABLY ALREADY BE DEAD! YOU CAN'T LIVE MUCH LONGER AFTER DEMENTORS KISS! Harry will never know the prophecy, Voldemort will never be defeated, Teddy Lupin WON'T EXIST, and all because you HAD to go and be dramatic! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE NOW. BAD DOG.

Everyone: *Blink Blink*

Sirius: Accio Pettigrew...

*rat flies into room, squeaking*

Fangirl: Oh, um.... you could have just done that... yeah.... uh.... I just gave away the whole series didn't I.... hehe...

*slowly backs up*

Fangirl: Yeah that never happened.

Harry: What

Hermione: What

Ron: What

Lupin: What

Sirius: What

Snape: What

Crookshanks: What

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