What if Voldemort never lived?

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Harry would have his parents and Sirius waving goodbye to him on the train.

He would never know about the vault the sorcerer's stone was in.

They would have found Fluffy, though. They would be friends with Hagrid because he was friends with Lily and James. Hopefully he'd still have Hedwig. Draco would probably still be their enemy. Quirrel wouldn't be DADA teacher. He would still be muggle studies, since he never met Voldemort in that forest. I hope Lupin would be the DADA teacher. Werewolves probably wouldn't be as 'dangerous" because the Dark Lord wasn't using them. But Hermione and Ron and Harry would have to find a different way to be friends because their would be no troll to save Hermione from. Ron and Harry may have already been friends. Snape may have just hated Harry more because James was alive. He wouldn't pick on Neville because Lily didn't die, and Neville couldn't have been the chosen one.

Second year would have been normal. No diary, no Moaning Myrtle, she would have been alive (or at least not a ghost in the girl's bathroom). Ginny wouldn't be hurt. Lockhart would never lose his memories or become the teacher. Harry would never meet Dobby. Dobby wouldn't be free.

Harry would already know that Lupin was a werewolf, and there would be no dementors, Sirius wouldn't have to escape Azkaban. No Scabbers either. Peter would be their friend. Dementors wouldn't affect Harry any differently anyway.

Harry wouldn't get chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and Cedric would have lived.

No DA, no Order of the Phoenix, living Sirius, no Umbridge, but I'm sure Fred and George would still have their little show and open up their joke shop. Might not be as successful though.

If Harry found the book, he would never find out it was Snape's because Snape told him when he was going from the tower after Dumbledore died. Draco wouldn't try to kill Dumbledore, Dumbledore wouldn't be weakened from the Horcrux because it wouldn't exist as a Horcrux, there would be no Slughorn's memory, Dumbledore wouldn't die, the elder wand would still be his.

They'd go back to Hogwarts for the seventh year. No one who dies would die. No battle of Hogwarts, and no Teddy Lupin because Lupin wouldn't have met Tonks through the Order of the Pheonix in the fifth year.

There may still be pureblood bias and muggle born discrimination because that was there before Voldemort. I think there would have been a few students that wanted something like that to happen, but it never would. James and Lily would still fall in love because even if Voldemort didn't exist, Snape would still be friends with the Slytherins and call Lily a mudblood. After the fifth year, I think Snily is completely obliterated on the Lily side. James and Lily would still be Head Boy and Girl together, and that's really when they fell in love. After James was more mature.

But what if Neville was the Chosen One?

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