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Dumbledore totally tried to make his ships cannon, like making Lily and James head girl and boy when James was clearly not the best choice for head boy. Or making Percy and Penelope head girl/boy when they were dating. And asking Harry if he had feelings for Hermione. It gets boring doing nothing but paperwork and being a celebrated magical leader and occasionally giving out detentions so he had to had a hobby. And a school full of students to place together for Prefects. BUT WHAT IF IT WAS LIKE A CONTEST. HE HAD THE TEACHERS VOTE ON WHO WOULD BE THE BEST COUPLE AND THEN MADE THEM PREFECTS AND THEN HAD A FINAL BATTLE AND THE WINNER WAS DECLARED OTP AND HEAD BOY/GIRL. That would explain why Ron was a prefect and Harry wasn't. And in the Marauders' fifth year Remus would have seemed like a better choice for Lily because they were both smart and probably friends and she most likely called him Remus and the other just Potter, Black, and Pettigrew. And then he realizes James really does need Lily and makes them head girl/boy and they end up together and its just YAYAYAYAYAY and then Snape is just "Always" and Dumbledore's thinking "Well you weren't my OTP you called her mudblood its your fault you could have been my OTP but no" and just saying in the teachers work room "Guess who I caught snogging in the corridor"
"Who, Hinny?"
"No, Lavenron."
"Dang it. I don't ship them."
"Yeah but Deaninny's fighting again so there's still a chance for Hinny and Deamus don't give up hope."
"I gave up hope when Severus started shipping Dramione and half of Wolfstar died."
"But I thought you didn't ship that anymore."
"Yeah that was before He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named returned."
"I may have shipped it while they were in school."
"So do you think Harmione or Romione?"
"Or Dramione."
"Shut up Severus."

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