Time Traveler

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Okay, three things to cover
First, today is Remus Lupin's birthday and I think the rest of the Marauders would kill me if I forgot it.


And moving on. I had this AMAZING idea as I was sleeping, something that was going to CHANGE THE WORLD OF HARRY POTTER. And I told myself I would remember it. And.... guess what.... I CAN ONLY REMEMBER THAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME. THAT'S ALL. Nothing else. So, a letter for future EVERYONE, from our present selves that will soon be past.

Dear Future me,
Remember that amazing idea you had? No? It's because I didn't write it down. That idea could have been something that could've changed the world. But I chose to sleep instead. So please remember, when you have amazing ideas, write them down, so even farther future me can change the world.

Please remember,
Present me

Hermione Granger is a year older than Harry and Ron. It can best be explained in the above timeline, but I'll try to explain it words. Both of their time lines continue on, but Hermione's doubles back on Harry and Ron's every day she goes back to do a class at the same time. Harry and Ron age at the same rate as Hermione, but Hermione is behind them from all the doubling back, so she is older, but still at the same time as the others. But she doesn't go to school for the full year or full day, so she isn't a full year older but she's still older.


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