Tanaka Ryūnosuke - Without You

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AU: Singer / Songfic (Without You by David Guetta feat. Usher_

Tags/Warning: Gender Neutral! Reader

Word Count: 1.7k+

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

It had been two weeks since it happened, and the worst part was that you couldn't tell anyone because no one knew.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"I don't think it's working anymore; you're busy and I'm busy. We just don't have enough time for one another, so I think that it's best if we stop seeing each other," you said.

Tanaka stopped what he was doing and looked up at you. He gave you a look that you haven't seen in awhile, full attention and focus.

"If that's what you want, and it makes you happy...then I'm okay with whatever you decide," Tanaka told you with a sad smile.

"Okay, I'll just be going then," you told him.

You grabbed your school bag that was sitting on a nearby chair and walked out.

Tanaka was left staring at the closed door. After realizing that you wouldn't be coming back, he rubbed his eyes, sighed, and then walked over to where his song book was and started to write.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"Please (Y/N)-chan! Please! Please! Please!" (B/F/N) asked for the millionth time.

You shook your head. "I already told you that I'm not going to the concert. Why do you even want me to go so much? Why can't you ask someone else?"

"You're my best friend in the entire world, so why would I ask anyone else? Also, these tickets are in the second row. Tickets like these won't just fall out of the sky, (Y/N)-chan," (B/F/N) whined.

You thought about it.

There was a chance that Tanaka might not even see you, but there was also that chance that he would see you. You know that (B/F/N) won't stop asking until you say yes, so there is not really a point in saying no. You had already said no 6 times and (B/F/N) still kept asking.

"Fine," you grumbled.

(B/F/N) gave you the brightest smile. "Oh, yeah, did I mention that the tickets are also backstage passes and we are definitely going to meet Tanaka. Bye! See you Sunday at 8:00pm sharp."

(B/F/N) ran away before you could kill them. There goes the chances of you not being noticed by him.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"Come on! Stop walking so slowly! If you keep walking at this pace, then we are going to miss the entire show!" (B/F/N) yelled at you, pulling you through the very crowded stadium.

"We have reserved seats, and the concert doesn't start for another hour. I still don't understand why you made me come with you so early. I could have just met you here," you told her, annoyed.

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