Ukai Keishin- English Teacher

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Soulmate AU: other people (who are close to you) can see the line that connects you to your soulmate.

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 586


Ukai sat on the sidelines watching the young boys play in the court. He sighed as he thought about how the teens were able to meet their soulmate due to their friends helping them, and how he was alone in his twenties.


The teacher hummed showing that he was listening.

"How did you find your soulmate?"

"Well, I was walking my mother through the park, she dragged me to my soulmate without me knowing. It was nice actually."

Ukai slumped forward. "how old were you?"

"It was the same day as my graduation!" Takeda smiled at the tall male.

"And here I'm not even close to finding my soulmate," he sighed.


Tanaka guided Ukai through the halls of the school, trying to lead him to the staff room without the slightly younger male getting distracted.

"Why are you going to the staff room anyway? You could've brought the forms down to the gym."

"O-ah you're right, but might as well go to the staff room now that we're going there right? ha ha." Takeda laughed nervously.

The duo walked to the cubical near the centre of the room, Takeda slammed a large stack of papers on to his desk creating a loud bang throughout the vacant room.

"Ok, you sign these, I'll be right back!"

The small man rushed out of the room to who knows where.

"What are these papers even for?!"


"Takeda, slow down! I'm going to fall!"

Ten-minutes or so later, Ukai had made almost no dent in the pile, when Takeda came strolling in, or at least someone did.

A young woman was pushed into the large room of papers and desks, while Takeda slammed the door closed behind her.

"Takeda! Let me out of here! I have to get my lesson finished for tomorrow!" She wrapped her hand on the door.

She turned around notices the presence of the blonde man.

"Oh, hi."

Ukai stared at the woman slightly, she seemed young, almost too young to be a teacher, her skin was clean and (S/T), she had (H/L) (H/C) hair that bounced as she swayed on her feet. She had black pants, likely jeans, a red top that fit to her curves and red shoes to match.

She didn't look like a teacher.

"Aren't you a little young to be teaching?" Ukai asked, his eyes still locked on her (E/C) eyes.

"Well, that depends, the school needed an English teacher and coming from (C), I am fluent in the language. I just graduated from university last year and I'm qualified to handle a classroom."

"Ukai Keishin." He stuck out his hand.

"Huh?" She asked tilting her head slightly.

"My name, Ukai, it's my name," He pushed his hand forward, repeating the same motion from before. "It's nice to meet you."

"(L/N) (F/N), call me (F/N) though," she said grabbing his hand and giving it a firm shake,

"It's nice to meet you."


Authors Note:

So, I realised that I don't really connect with you readers that much.

So if you want to talk to me, request a book for me to read or anything feel free to do so.

I have also started an Instagram account to connect with you if you wish~ the user name is lb.bacon I don't do much on it but once I start connecting with you I will~~


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