Kiyoko Shimizu- RUN!

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AU: Maze runner

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader, Woop... I know that it doesn't exactly fit the series but I'm making the reader gender neutral so it somewhat fits... But it's an au so it doesn't matter.

Word Count: 410


It was you, Shimizu and Hinata running around in the maze. The gigantic walls wouldn't allow you to look over and in the dark, you couldn't see anything.

Oh, and like I said. It was the three of you trying to get to the closing walls, which was difficult considering Hinata had a large gash on his leg, enabling him to run. So, as you three got closer to the exit you tossed him through just before it closed.

The two of you were stuck in the maze at night.

Right now, you were taking turns sleeping and you were on look out.

It was too dark. You could see a few metres in front of you thanks to a small fire you made from the hanging vines. But nothing else.

Shimizu had her head rested on your lap as she slept. You dragged your fingers through her black hair and leaned against the cold wall.

As you were poking at the fire —getting it to expand more and not die out— you heard a faint creaking coming from your right.

You scurried to put out the fire and drag the girl into a crack in the wall, as the creaking and screeching got closer and louder.

You held Shimizu as close to you as possible, your back shoved against the uneven and cold rock.



Kiyoko had woken up with your arms wrapped tightly around her.

She heard the scratching noises and stayed quiet.

They didn't go away for awhile. As if the large monster could tell that you two were there.

Both of your eyes were shut, not wanting to see it.

But as soon as the far away and near screeches died out, a low rumbling went through your ears, and your eyes shot open. Grabbing the bags and running out of the dark corner and into the sun you ran though the opening as soon as it opened.

All of your friends saw the two of you run through the moving rocks, holding hands.

"We're okay!"

"We're okay."

You squeezed her hand just a little tighter than before.


I actually like this one. I thought it would come out bad. But I think it's short and sweet.

Updated: 01/17/2021

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