Sugawara Koushi- Bones

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AU: Corpse Bride (Groom)

Requested by OhayoNishi

Short... But it works...
If you haven't seen the Corpse Bride I recommend you do. It's a great movie... And it will help you understand what's going on in the story.


"Watta wuss." You walked through the forest on the edge of the city. Getting away from your responsibilities. You shivered as a breeze ran through the trees. Looking around you found yourself in an open patch, but towers of wood in every direction. A chill crawled down your spine as you sat on the tree stump in the centre of the area.

The moon let off a dim light that made everthing look like an old movie. The shadows where intense and the light was dull. Even your eyes adjusted to the dark, you found it hard to see.

You fiddled with the ring your parents dropped in your hands before you ran off. Leaning forward, you studied the cool metal that was too big for your finger.

"I have to propose. I have to plan the wedding. I have to pay for the wedding. I have to buy the house. I have to do everything while he just goes to the tavern every night while his parents think he's doing his job." you ranted, pacing in circles around the stump.

"Oh, sir!" you froze holding the ring out in front of you in an over dramatic pose. "I couldn't help but notice how, handsome... You were as I was passing by. In fact, I'm ment to get married. I have a ring and must propose to a man worthy of it!"

Leaning down to a branch sticking out of the dirt. You slipped the ring onto it and spun away, landing in yet another pose.

"Oh look, a perfect fit! You must be my husband. It's just ment to be!" tilting your head toward your shoulder you let out a low grumble.

"If only you would get off your lazy ass for a change."

"Well I sure do hope that wasn't directed at me."

Turning in circles you looked for the source of the man's voice. All you saw were the dark woods that surrounded you, making fear take over anger in your emotions.

"Down here."

If someone said a stick could talk, after today, you would take their word for it.

The stick, that was wearing the engagement ring, was now positioned as if wearing a sock puppet, moving as it spoke.

"But I sure do hope you won't speak to me like that, because I for one believe that as your fiance, I should treat like royalty."

Blinking you stepped away from the stick and walked back around the stump.

"I've gone insane. They've driven me mad. I'm talking to a stick. Wait no, a stick is talking to me!"

Looking at the twig and moving back and forth, you watched as it watch you.

"As much as I deeply care for you. Could you not call me a stick? I am flesh and bones afterall, well, mostly bones. But I still have flesh... Somewhere.... But I can't seem to find it at the moment. It has a tendency to fall off from time to time."

The hand moved around a bit more before opening up in your direction.

"You could always help me of course, you are my fiance after all."

"I'm not your fiance. Your not my fiance. I'm dreaming. This isn't real. I'll wake up tomorrow morning and-"

"Do you trust me?"

"What? What kind of a question is that?"

"This world. Your life. It brings you pain. If you were to come with me. You wouldn't have to face it. Please, as my fiance?"

Shivering, you looked at the open hand/stick thing as you stepped towards it and let your hand hover over it.

"My names (Y/N). And I'm not your fiance."

"The name's Sugawara. And I'm sure you won't be saying that for long."

Placing your hand in it, you felt each joint bend and wrap around it.

"You're rather boney. You don't eat much meat do you?"

"Don't have a stomach to do so."

Before another word could slip off your tongue, it pulled you in. The light reflecting off the moon made the diamond on the ring twinkle, giving you a bit of light in the black abyss that surrounded you.


My muscles are all sore. I'm walking like a penguin. Correction: waddling.

School starts next week (for me at least)... yay

Feel free to.. Ah... Talk I guess.

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