Kenma Kozume - Online

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AU: Soulmate - where you talk and share information with your soulmate through an online on a chatting service given to you at a certain age. You are aloud to share any information except your name.

Tags/Warnings: Fem! Reader

Word Count: 827


ApplePieKitty has logged on.

(F/C)Owl has logged on.

Kenma was never one to socialize. He tried to avoid people at all costs. If he were to meet his soulmate in person, there is no question that he would be a little jumpy, but online he could communicate with his soulmate without any awkwardness. A year ago, his friend, Kuroo, showed him how to use the soulmate service after his parents finally allowed him to go on it. Although Kenma had it himself, his soulmate wasn't connected at the time, thus rendering the app useless until now.

Kenma tapped on the keyboard of his laptop, creating a sentence to talk with the person on the other side of the screen. At the moment he was sitting in the school gym waiting for Kuroo to come out of the change room.

ApplePieKitty: Hi.

(F/C)Owl: Hey, what's up?

ApplePieKitty: Well, right now I'm talking to you.

(F/C)Owl: No kidding. How's life?

ApplePieKitty: OK, I guess. You?

(F/C)Owl: Could be better.

After a few days of chatting with them, Kenma had taken note of the times that his soulmate had been online. Give or take an hour for volleyball practices, he had the same sort of schedule.

His soulmate in question was —from what he could tell— female. The way she spoke and how she described things appeared to be more feminine. They often talked about school, hobbies they had and shared, their likes and dislikes.

Knowing that the girl liked owls, and that they were in the same time zone as him, Kenma eventually came to the conclusion that '(F/C)Owl' went to the nearby school, Fukurōdani.

ApplePieKitty: What happened?

(F/C)Owl: My cousin Bokuto gave me a headache with all his yelling, and I'm now in detention for talking to him during class. He's Not Even In My Class!

Well, now Kenma knew that he was right. Bokuto was captain of the volleyball team at Fukurōdani. If she knew him in anyway and was in detention because of his disturbance, there was no question about it. '(F/C)Owl' went to Fukurōdani.

ApplePieKitty: You go to Fukurōdani?

(F/C)Owl: Ya, and you go to Nekoma.

ApplePieKitty: How'd you know.

(F/C)Owl: Your name gave it away. The 'Kitty' part.

ApplePieKitty: Oh, that makes sense.

(F/C)Owl: Ya, well I should go, I have a train to catch.

(F/C)Owl: Talk to you soon.

ApplePieKitty: Bye.

Kuroo walked out of the changing room, his volleyball bag hung off his shoulder and black bed head styled hair falling in front of his face.

"Talking to (F/C) again?" Kuroo asked, using the nickname they call the girl by.

"I was, she had to catch a train," Kenma replied.

"Well hurry up, or we're gonna miss ours."

Kenma put his laptop in his bag and followed Kuroo out of Nekoma's gym.


Kenma stepped into the train with Kuroo a few steps behind him. Kuroo grabbed a handle as Kenma sat on one of the many available benches next to him.

The train was fairly empty except a handful of students, an elderly couple, and some business men and women.

Kenma pulled out his laptop. It was decorated with a black and yellow cat sticker (which Kuroo said resembled him because of his his hair) and some apple pie stickers that varied in size.

ApplePieKitty logged on.

A moment after he did, (F/C)Owl logged on.

(F/C)Owl: Hey. I'm on the train.

ApplePieKitty: Me too.

(F/C)Owl: Where are you headed.

ApplePieKitty: Home. Tokyo.

(F/C)Owl: Hmm, same.

ApplePieKitty: It's unlikely that we're gonna see each other. Our schools aren't that close together.

(F/C)Owl: My house is fairly close to Nekoma. I go to Fukurōdani because of Bokuto. So it is possible that we're on the same train.

ApplePieKitty: What do you suggest?

(F/C)Owl: I'm at the front of the train. So how about I walk to the back of the train and if you think you see me, just say hi.

ApplePieKitty: OK, sure.

Kenma was shaking and that didn't go unnoticed by Kuroo.

"What's up with you?"

"(F/C) may be on this train and I don't know what to do," Kenma's voice was quite but was still heard by the bed head.

"Just relax, or at least try to."

Kenma nodded and tried to stop shaking.

After a few minutes, a girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair with (F/C) streaks and a laptop decorated with (F/C) owls tucked under her arm, walked past him.

"(F/C)?" Kenma asked, slightly unsure.

The girl stopped in her tracks and turned to look at a nervous and jittery Kenma. She gave him a gentle smile.

"Hi, Kitty."


That was short. Please don't kill me! It was meant to be this way! (/_;)/~~ 

Updated: 01/16/2021

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