Kageyama Tobio - Milkshake

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AU: Fluff

I don't know who requested it so.... 

Oh, and Baconham wanted me to tell you that she's on a boat and we're probably going to starting posting on Sundays now because of school


There was an old rustic diner in the middle of Tokyo. Most of the time, there was nobody there, but that's why you liked it. It was quiet, and the staff knew you. It was a safe space.

You sat on one of the red leather stools that was at the counter. The long table was made out of white marble with black specs on it, the walls were white tiles from ground to ceiling, and the ground was plated with black and white tiles.

"Another milkshake?" the person behind the counter asked. His hair was messy, almost like he'd just gotten out of bed, and jet black. He was no older than a teenager.

"How do you know?" you questioned.

"You come here almost everyday around this time. You order the same thing too, (favourite flavour) milkshake."

"Are you stalking me?"

"No," he said, sliding your milkshake towards you, "I'm just observant."

"Well, this might the last time you see me in a while. I'm kind of broke. I only have enough to pay for this one."


Kageyama didn't like taking the train. There were too many people crowded in such a small space. He had to get some new volleyball supplies, and Tokyo has the best stores. He was contemplating whether or not to just settle for the equipment in Miyagi, but it was volleyball, adn he need the best.

He walked out of the store, and felt his stomach rumble. Looking around, he spotted what looked like a diner. He didn't particularly like diner food, but he wouldn't mind a piece of blueberry pie.

A chime on the door rung above him as he entered the diner. A girl was sitting alone at one of the stools at the counter, drinking a milkshake, and a waiter was behind the counter cleaning it. The waiter looked up as he heard the chime and smiled at Kageyama.

Kageyama walked up to the counter and sat down on the other end of the counter. The waiter walk up to him and offered him a menu. He quickly looked over it to make sure that they had the pie.

"I'll have a slice of blueberry pie please."

The waiter nodded. "Good choice."

Kageyama looked over to the girl at the counter. He didn't know how long he was looking at her until they made eye contact.

"I know that I'm pretty, but looking at me like that is kind of creepy," you said smirking.

Kageyama looked around nervously and when he saw no one else there, he pointed to himself. "Are you talking to me?"

"No," you said, "I'm talking to the ghost that haunts the diner."

"There's a ghost here?"

You laughed. "You're funny."



Kageyama still hated trains, but at least now there was less people. He wanted to go back to the diner. He couldn't get the sound your laugh out of his head, it was enchanting in a way. Also, the pie was really good and he wanted another one.

He left at the same time as yesterday, hoping that you'd be there. If he left at the same time, caught the same train, maybe you'd be at the diner.


Kageyama walked into the diner, hearing the familiar chime of the door. His eyes light up as he saw you, sitting in the same spot, but you didn't have a milkshake.

The waiter walked up to you. "Are you sure? I can make this one on the house."

You shook your head. "No, you work hard for your money. I'd feel bad if I took that away from you."

The waiter nodded. Kageyama sat down in the same spot as before, and order the piece of blueberry pie. He'd glance at you every now and then. You looked sad with out the milkshake.

When the waiter came to take his plate away, Kageyama asked what flavour milkshake you liked.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'll buy her milkshake. Add it to my bill please."

The waiter smiled and walked away with his empty plate in hand. He came back moments later with a (favourite flavour) milkshake and placed it in front of you.

"I told you not to give a milkshake," you said pushing it away from you.

The waiter put his hands up in surrender. "Wasn't me," he said and pointed to Kageyama.

You looked over to Kageyama. The milkshake in hand, you walked over to him and sat down in the stool next to him.

"Thank you. You didn't have to, you know. I don't know you," you said, taking a sip of the milkshake.

"You looked sad without one," he whispered.

You raised an eyebrow. "Are you from Tokyo? I haven't seen you before, even though Tokyo has over nine million people living here."

Kageyama shook his head. "I'm from the Miyagi prefecture."

"Miyagi? That's over two hours away from here."

"The blueberry pie is good here," he said.

"Next time I'll buy you a slice."


 I really wanted a milkshake, if you didn't notice that.....

Feel free to spam Baconham because she is on a boat. 

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