Daichi Sawamura- Bugging

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Crossover: Miraculous Lady bug (sort of)

Because why not. I have to write something. Not super. Just meh


The earings you wore luckily didn't stand out as you walked through school. What did stand out though was the giant swarm of bugs following behind you. You swatted the small spotted bugs out of your face as you tried to see your way up the staircase to the second floor.

Tikki, flew out of you sweater pocket and into your hood to talk to you. You saw her small red form fly by your cheek before she settled into the folds of your hood using your hair as a curtain to hide her.

"These bugs are infuriating. Please tell me this isn't normal."

The Kwami's small voice squeaked out from in your hood.

"No. Not really. It's strange actually. They will probably go away soon just get to class before your late."

You grummbled taking the last few steps to get to your classroom.

When you got there as small tabby cat was getting shooed out of the room by your teacher.


Your teacher looked up as the cat ran away. With a smile she stood straight and held the door open.

"Good morning (Y/N), You should take your seat before the bell rings."

Nodding, you sat in your seat next to (F/N), who was typing away on her phone.

"What do have there (F/N)?"

(F/N) smiled and held her phone up for you to see. "Updating the ladyblog." she said happily, before going back to typing.

"I have to post the video I took from yesterday before the hype dies down. Just one more sentence.... And done!"

As if on cue the bell rang and sudents took their seats.

You were drawing designs in your sketchbook when the teacher asked the class a question. You looked up to see Diachi, the boy in front of you raise his hand and answer the question. As you were slowly falling into a dream like state your attention was brought to a point when you saw a small bug fly onto the boys shoulder.

The muscles in your forehead tightened as you watched the ladybug crawl around. Instinctively you raised you hand up and brushed it across his shoulder. Daichi turned his head to look as you. You froze, because when someone you've had a crush on since the day they've arrived and just happens to be a celebrity model that has his face on posters all over your wall, looks at you tend to do that sort of thing.

You swallowed and have a shy smile and wave. Daichi repeated the action to you before turning around. You threw yourself back in your seat and slouched against the back rest. (F/N) nudged your side and when you glared at her she laughed. A ladybug decided to join in the fun and land on your nose.


After school ended and you left the building more and more ladybugs chose to follow you home. Not wanting to have your home infested with the black spotted incescts you went to a nearby park and sat at the edge of the fountain.

"Tikki I swear to god if these bugs don't leave!"

"Sorry (Y/N) I'm not sure what to do!"

Sighing you let Tikki fly back into your pocket and the longer you sat the fewer flew around you. You heard the sound to feet on concrete and you looked up to see Daichi, cat hanging on his shoulders and many crowding around his feet.

"Mind if I sit?" he said as he rubbed the head of the sleeping kitten on his shoulders.

You nodded quietly as he took a seat next to you.

"Nice scarf you got there." you laughed.

Daichi laughed and pointed to your neck. "At least it's better than your necklace."

You brushed you hand accros your collar bone and got the red bugs off your chest.

"Have they been following you around all day?"

Daichi nodded and a cat crawled into his lap.

"Ya, you?"

You nodded and have a quick "yup."

A few short conversations and 40 minutes later, all of the bugs and cats were gone, with exception for the one that hung sleeping off of Daichi's shoulders.

And when you got home you almost fainted with surprise, shocked by your own capability to talk to the boy who's face is plastered all over your wall.


So as I prepare myself for upcoming plans and projects something I've been needing to do is re-brand. That's what I've done. Changing my pseudonym (fake name) and username to distance myself from personal accounts.
My username here won't change for consistency's sake.
But if you wish to reach me over Instagram like some of you have my user name has changed.
If you bave any question or requests feel free to ask.

~~~ Insta: Lotan.Calamus ~~~~

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