Akaashi Keiji- Witches (Part 2)

9.4K 370 30

AU: Kingdom/ Medieval

Part two requested by @poison_darts

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader 

Word Count: 2k+

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"(Y/N)? Are you here?" Akaashi shouted.

He stood at the front of the hollowed-out log where a certain ice witch lived. Or, now, once had lived.

After shouting out into her home, he moved to open the door. He turned the doorknob and pushed the door opened.

It was definitely not how he remembered it. There were no candles that lit up the room, nor were there any signs that someone had lived here for a while. The bed, where he once slept, was made, but looked as if no one had slept in it.

The few books that were on the shelves were now gone.

There was no sign of life.

Akaashi squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. "No...I'm too late." It had only been a few days since their last encounter, but he thought that after she dealt with the knights, she would return home.

During that time, he tried reasoning with the king, but it had gotten him nowhere. Akaashi would have come earlier, but he landed himself a night in the dungeons for speaking out towards the king.

He sighed and sat down on the familiar bed. A light coat of dust went into to the air as he did, which was further evidence that no one has been here for a while.

And he wasn't sure that anyone would return.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Akaashi walked through the dark forest. He could only sneak out of the palace during nightfall. In his hand was a piece of crystal that (Y/N) had given to him a few nights before. As she said, it guided him home.

But ever since he left, and went back to his normal ways, the hours seemed to grow longer and the days seemed like years. There was something missing.

As he went deeper into the forest, the crystal in his hand grew hot and brighter. Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows and started walking the way he came. The light grew dimmer and colder to the touch.

He stopped walking. A low humming sound radiated off the crystal as if it was alive. A twig, cracking under the pressure of someone's foot, made him draw out his sword and raised it.  

"Who goes there?"

Nothing but the sound of forest creatures could be heard.

"Come out and show yourself!"

He was turning slowly in a circle, the crystal, still humming, lit the way in the direction he was facing.

"I didn't think you would keep it," a voice said from behind him.

Akaashi turned around and swung his sword like he was trying to decapitate someone. The hooded figure ducked away from the attack and stepped back. Thrusting and arm out of their cloak, they raise a hand and a steady stream of ice spilled from it, aimed at the sword.

His mouth gaped opened and the sword fell from his hand on to the ground making a clink sound as it dropped.

The white cloaked figure raised her head and the hood feel back around her shoulders. Akaashi's eyes looked up to see the same (E/C) eyes.

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