Asahi Azumane- Grey

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Soulmate AU: you see colour until you meet your soulmate

Not requested. Just need to get Asahi in here.


You lived your whole life seeing colour.

Unless you were born colour blind, you saw colour. The sky had always enchanted you. The way it could have multiple colours or not colour at all, made you feel as though the sky had emotions. On stormy days, when the sky was grey, it was like the sky was sad.

Many people thought that you were overreacting to the thought of meeting your soulmate. They said that it wasn’t bad, seeing everything in black and white because you met your soulmate, colour would slowly fade from your eyes.

You didn’t want to blame Asahi, but in a way you did. You loved him, but you couldn’t stand the thought of a colourless world.  


It was a few days into your senior year of high school when you transferred to Karasuno. Everything was bright, and the sky was a light shade of blue.  Transferring school was not something you wanted to do. At you old school, you already new that no one was your soulmate, so you didn’t go to school in fear of losing colour.

You didn’t want the world you be grey just yet. You’ve already accepting the fact that you were going to lose colour, but you had the rest of your life to see grey.

You keep your head down the the hallway. You thought that if you saw no one then no one would see you, and you’d make it through your first day with colour.   

The principal insisted on giving you a tour of the school during first period, but you decline. You didn’t want the tour guide to be your soulmate.

Your parents thought that you were crazy. Your obsession with colour made them worried. Even as a kid you loved all colours - from royal blues to muddy browns -  they said that colour had always been your foundation. Most of the time, you made decisions based on colours. Clothes had to be colorful, you even chose your previous school because it was painted a bright red.

Your plan was working, until it wasn’t. You made the mistake of looking up. The other student that crashed into you were quickly picking up your books and loose papers that fell out of your binder.

They apologized profusely and helped you up, introducing themselves as Asahi Azumane. You looked up and apologized as well, looking him in the eye because it was rude not too.

He smiled at you and blushed, looking down. “You have nice eyes.”


Your vision blurred and you stumbled backwards. You were rubbing your eyes, afraid to opened them.

Please...not now....

Your eyes slowly opened. The blurriness was gone but something was different. Asahi was looking at you, his smile widening, but you couldn’t force on him at this moment.

Your eyes traveled along the walls and lockers. The blue lockers started dimming, slowly turning pale and the nothing. Your eyes snapped to your painted fingernails, they were every variation of (favourite colour that is not black), but now they were shades.

You only saw grey.   


Making my Halloween costume.
Delaying the making of my Halloween costume.
It's spoopy. (not really)

Contact me or something. Ask questions. Anything, I just like talking to random people on the internet like any normal person would.

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