Sugawara Koushi- Phasers on Stun

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AU: Star Trek

After writing the last chapter I really wanted to do a Star Trek one shot... Because God I've been wanting to write one for a while.


"(L/N)." a voice called from in front of you was you walked out of the simulation.

Pushing stray hair out of your face you looked to the man in front of you. You straightened your back and held your hands tightly behind you.

"Admiral Sawamura." you responded, voice wavering as you tried not to studder.

"At least lieutenant. I would like to speak to you for a moment."

The man began walking away, leaving a breeze in his wake. You jogged to catch up to him.

"Admiral, is there something you needed?"

The man slowed, sure to make it so you could catch up.

"Yes (L/N), they are in need of a Chief Tactical officer on the USS Cordillera."

You looked at him, "NCC-1483? The new ship ment for long voyages and offensive and defensive possitions in battle. What about it?" the man turned a corner that led outside to the garden landscape of the Academy. Boothby stood by the flowers and tended to them as part of his daily routine.

"Yes, that's the one. I want to appoint you as the Chief Tactical Officer for the USS Cordillera."

You stood still and wrapped your fingers around the star fleet uniform collar.

"Admiral, are you promoting me to a commanding position?"

Sawamura nodded with a smile. "The captain wanted you on their team." he said proudly.

"Who's the captain?"


You stood found yourself on the Jupiter base as you looked at the ship in front of you through the thick Windows that allowed you to see outside of the tin structure.

You prssed your face to the glass, using your hands to hold you from completely falling over.

"I can't wait to get my hands on her blasters." you sighed.

Running through the halls you made your way to port where fellow armed officers guarded the entrance.

You nodded to them as you walked through.

You have yourself a tour of the giant ship memorizing every turn and corner to make sure you didn't get lost.

You eventually found yourself on deck where you began talking to the Communications Officer about the crew that was due to show up.

"(L/N)," a voice called from the entrance, there stood a silver haired man, buttons on his collar indicating his othority, he wore a blue uniform that contrasted with your red one.

"Your badge." he said opening his hand to you.

You took the comunicator from his hand and pinned it to your uniform just over on the left side of your chest.

"Captain, it's nice to finally meet you." You said holding your hand out.

He shook with a bright smile.

"Same to Chief. It's good to know who will be in control of our weapons."

You smiled and let your hand drop to your side once again.

"Well, Sugawara, if we are on that topic, may I ask where my post will be?"

The silver haired man pointed to the back corner of the deck, a spot the have you a lot of space and viewing room of the main screen and window.

"Over there. That's going to be your, and your teams, home for the next few years."

"I can't wait."


"Tetryon cannon on target. Waiting for command." you yelled.

The main deck was filled with loud noises and people yelling over each other as the Ferengi swarmed your ship.

"Fire!" your captain commanded from his post.

"With pleasure!"

Red lights on the ship where on as it shook and swayed with every hit she took.

The cannon rid the main ship of their engines and shield among other this and the group of aliens began backing off and retreating back to their nearest star base.

The Cordillera's lights went back to normal and your captain came to your side.

"Good job (L/N)." He said as he stood across from you.

You smiled and took your phaser from its pocket and spun it around your finger. You pointed it at your captain -who flinched- and then brought it to your lips and pretended to blow smoke away from the 'barrel'.

"I'm just happy I get to use these weapons," you smiled, "ugh, they are so amazing! And I just love blowing stuff up!"

Sugawara laughed and pushed down your phaser that you still held close to your face.

"Don't swing that thing around." he said with a laugh but worried look.

"Oh don't worry," you said stacking your hand and phutting the weapon away.

"It's set to stun."

He sighed. "There needs to be a more permanent off button. Well how about you clean up your station and come join me down at the Mess for a drink to celebrate with small victory."

He leaned his weight onto to top.of your console panels and you reflected by doing the same with the bottom.

"I'll see you in 10."

Sugawara smiled and smacked the top of the metal table top before walking out of the main deck.


Mini Star Trek fluff

I sleep now.

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