Kenma Kozume - Surprise

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AU: Regular

It's that time of year again where Baconham and I have this thing called birthdays. If you didn't know what that is, it's basically when we were born. If you didn't know that, please buy a dictionary or use google. 

In honor of us being born, here is a birthday has a part two so don't worry that's it's not finished. 

I thought that it would be better than me writing a sad one- shot. Don't you agree?


"He doesn't remember," you told Kuroo.

"Sure he does." He reassured you, patting your head a bit.

You were sitting on the bottom steps of the staircase that lead up to your front door. Today was your birthday, so Kuroo went to visit you because your birthday happen to fall on a weekend. It was closer to the end of your birthday. The sun just started its descent down, but it was still sunny outside.

"Are you sure?" you pouted.

It was near the end of the day, and your best friend (other than Kuroo), Kenma, hasn't showed up.

"It's you, of course he'll show up."

You sighed and stood up. "I don't know, sometimes he can get really in his head, Kuroo. I don't really blame him. It's fine."

"Maybe his doing homework." Kuroo said, standing up as well. He was much taller than you and he was blocking the sun.

You rolled your eyes. "Really? He doesn't do homework."

"What if he wants to turn over a new leaf?"

"What if he caught captured by aliens and they brainwashed him into forgetting who he is and then made him do his homework."

"Okay," Kuroo sighed, "not doing homework. Do you still want to go out through? I mean, it is your birthday for about eight hours."

You shook your head. "I don't really feel like going out. I'll make it up tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine, but we're going to eat the worst food truck food that I can find for pay back."

"Do you really want me to die after my birthday?" You laughed.

"Hey, you made your choices."


After Kuroo left you, he walked over to Kenma's house. A frown was painted on his face. How could Kenma forget about his best friends birthday? You have known each other since birth.

Kuroo knocked on Kenma's door and waited, trying to perfect his annoyed expression.

"Oh," Kenma said, his gam conual still in his hands. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here? Don't you feel like you're forgetting something? Someone?"

Kenma stop to think for a second. Slowly, he shook his head and turning back to Kuroo. "No, my mom's birthday is in two months."

Kuroo had to physical facepalm because he couldn't understand why Kenma was such an idiot today.

"Try a bit hard," he said, rubbing his forehead.

After Kenma thought for a bit, he shook his head again. "I don't know. (Y/N)'s birthday is coming up soon, but that isn't for another week."

Kuroo's jaw dropped. He was seriously getting so annoyed at Kenma for being a slow. "Are you sure about that? Maybe you should check."

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