Hinata Shoyo- Gone

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AU: um.... Ahhh. Ghost thing? I don't really know myself

Here ya go


“Hey! (Y/N)! Come look at this,” Hinata shouted behind him.

You slowly walk up to him and peered over his shoulder. “It’s a rock.”

“Yes, it is,” Hinata smiled, his chubby cheeks lifting as he did. He pick up the rock and dust it off dust it off on his pants. “And now it’s yours.”

“Why would I want a rock?” you asked, but still took the rock from Hinata.

“It’s shaped like a heart!” Hinata said. He grabbed up hand and brought it closer to your face. He slowly outlined the faintest shape of a heart that the rock formed. It didn’t really look like a heart to you. You could see the slight curve in at the top from both sides and the end was pointed more than other rocks, but other than that it looked like any other rock.

You glanced up to tell Hinata, but when you did, you saw big doe like eyes from him. It was as if he was proposing to you, hoping for the best answer in the world. Even as a five year old, you couldn’t bring yourself to wipe the look off of his face.

“It kind of does look like a heart.” You slipped the rock into your pocket and gave him a quick side hug. “Thank you. I think that we could go back inside. Mom said that she’d make us lunch.”

“Uhh….(Y/N)....I, umm, I….”

“What is it? You know you can tell me Hinata,” you smiled at him.

He looked down for a second, but then shook his head. “Never mind, come on, food is calling me.”

He grabbed your hand and dragged you back inside your house.


“(Y/N) you're going to be late for school,” you mom yelled.

You groaned and rolled over in bed. “If I’m going to be late, then so be it.” You closed your eyes. You didn’t have any motivation to get out of bed, much less go to school.  

“(Y/N)! Come on.”

You scowled, but threw your warm blankets off you,and sat up at the edge of your bed. You thought that you’d get use to the fact that you had to wake up earlier to get to high school than middle school, but you didn’t.

You put on your uniform and stood in front of your dresser where your mirror stood. You glance down, and saw a rock. You didn’t remember seeing that rock yesterday morning when you were putting on your uniform before.

You pick it up and traced the outline of it. It looked like a heart to you. Hearing you mom calling you another time, you slipped the rock into your skirt pocket and left your room.  


In the car, you turned to your mom who was driving.



“Did I have friends when I was younger? Because I swear that I did, but I don’t remember,” you said.  

“No, I don’t think so. You were kind of lonely as a kid,” she said.

You laughed. “Geez, thanks for that.”

You turned your head and looked outside the window. The trees and leaves only looked like green and brown blobs, but you’d like to think of it as abstract art. Your mom stopped at the front of your school and said goodbye to you.

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