Kageyama Tobio- Stage

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AU: Singer/ Performer?..... Kpop. It's Kpop

Basically reader, you are a Kpop artist who is on a tour, currently in Japan. And that's about it.

Race and gender are not specified but the only thing is, is that you are not the best at Japenese....


The hot lights that glared down on the stage burned as you and your group preformed. As you stepped forward to the centre of the group, you could hear your 'name' get called out by many voices from around you. As you rapped to the beat of the song you listened to the chants from the audience that was in time with you, coming when the was a pause in the vocals. Your heart raced as you kept your glasses from falling off your face and exposing your eyes to the harsh stage lights.

Sliding to your next position, your leader took your place in center and began singing the chorus. Everyone broke from position and made their way to the edges of the stage. Girls and boys alike held up phones posters and other props as you made your way along the edge.

Though not being perfect at Japenese, you were probably the best at the language compared to your group mates who didn't need to do quick and difficult raps. Hearing the chants and please of your fans made you smile. As you shake the hand of a girl in front of you, you hear a boy call out from your right.

"Glasses!" he seemed to say as another one of your group members took over singing.

Walking over to the black haired boy you noticed the matt black pair of glasses he held out to you that had silver reflected lenses. You crouched down in front of him and grabbed hold of the glasses he held out to you. Pulling your good down to cover your face you quickly switched your frames with the ones he gave you.

Looking back up, you held your old glasses out to the boy. He gingerly took them from your hand. You watched as he stared and traced over the carved in name on the side with his thumb. When he looked back up you smiled and lowered the frame slightly to wink at him over the edge.

Immediately after the interaction, you were standing back up in stage and making your way to the next formation. The black mic in your hand was held up to your mouth as you rapped the ending verse. The music stopped with a harsh note from the bass and the light went black.

The crowd cheered.

Within the next couple days, you found websites reporting on the fact that you had switched out your iconic pair of glasses with a new pair givin to you by a fan. Multiple videos were taken of the event but the best one was the last one you saw.

"Member 'Bimil' of Ground Zero switches glasses with ones from a fan."

The article elaborated on your alias before explaining the interaction and why it was a shock. At the end of the article was a video taken by who seemed to be the friend of the boy you got the glasses from. The video opened with the friend filming his red hair before switching the camera around to face the other boy.

They were deffinetly in high school and probably around the same age as you are but you couldn't be sure. To be fair they couldn't be too sure either. Other than your height and stage name, any other information on you has not been released to the public since your debut.

"Kageyama!" the red haired kid screamed above the crowd.

The black haired boy turned to the camera and waved the glasses but didn't say anything until he yelled about what you had heard while on stage.

"Bimil! Glasses!"

The camera turned to face you and filmed the whole interaction until the end when the song finished.

Smiling you set down your phone and pulled out your pocket knife and glasses.


Not even a year later and you're back in Japan touring your new album. You and the rest of your group had just gotten off stage and where taking a quick break to eat some food and drink some water. After five minutes of eating pure junk, your manager walks out from the hallway and calls your group over.

"Ready? Everyone is lined up."

Your group nodded and filed in a straight line. As you walked down the long corridor, you held your glasses in your hand, your thumbs traced over the carvings on either end of the arms. You slid on you glasses and felt a hand pat you on the shoulder.

You leader have you a smile that made up for any words that could have been said before going to stand up on the small platform behind a table. In front of you chairs were set in rows and fans of many ages sat in them.

Questions where asked, often those similar to what you would normally get, and then signing started. The long line slowly went through and each person met every member of your group. High fiving, shaking hands, hugging, receiving gifts (in your case loads of hoodies, masks, and glasses) and all was well until a familiar head of hair stood in front of you.

"Ah, your the one that filmed the video!" you said pointing at the boy.

The red head tinted his head before pointing up at the glasses you wore.

"You mean the one of you getting those?" he asked.

You nodded with and held the edge of the lens, "yup, haven't broken them either!"

The boy smiled before asking you to sign the album he had. You did as asked and the line switched. In front of you now stood a boy with glasses, squinting you reached out and gently pulled the glasses off his face. You inspected the side and traced your thumb over the engraving of your name.

"Kageyama!" you said handing him back the glasses. "It's finally nice to meet you."

He set his hands on the table and you gingerly took them in yours. His smile, though a bit shy and creppy, was unforgettable as he pushed the glasses up into his hair.

"It's finally nice to meet you too, (Y/N)."


I thought this was cute...

Has anyone stared playing the new Harry Potter game? Because I am addicted.

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