Sugawara Koushi- Flower

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Soulmate AU: where if your soulmate gets an injury or illness a flower will appear on your body in the place of that injury. Flowers fade as the injury does, scars stay. Whenever you touch the flower you will feel the pain that your soulmate is going through. Flowers all have their own meaning but it will vary from person to person.

Female reader for the plot of the story. Though technically it could be applied to men, this story has more to do with female anatomy. But gender isn't mentioned... Soooo


When Sugawara started playing volleyball he likely caused his soulmate a lot of trouble. Bruises or sprains that littered his body would appear as a flower on his soulmate. Although he new they would disappear just as his injuries did, he felt bad a knowing that his soulmate was out there feeling similar pain to what he did if they touched the pretty flowers.

Sugawara knew it was like this for everyone, but he felt bad because he got ingured constantly but only received what felt like a few flowers every year. When touching them they varied from cramps and sore muscles and back pain to a nasty head cold that only happened once a year.

Once reaching the end of High school, Sugawara had practically figured his soulmate out. Not an active person that's for sure, likely sits at a desk all day doing whatever, and goes out occasionally for some sort of special occasion. This is what Sugawara had come to the conclusion of, but he could be completely wrong for all he knew.

So once university rolled around Sugawara chose a school that had excellent departments of every expertise and hoped that maybe his soulmate would be in one of them.

One day, not long after the first semester of school started Sugawara noticed a small pink rose apear on the side of his chest, next the his arm. Poking it lightly it felt like any bruise. Sugawara smiled, ruffling his grey hair before heading out the his first class.

Over time the pain he felt as he touched the rose grew more and more just like the flower did as I grew in size and numbers.


You lied down next to the surgeon who smiled gently at you. By now it was late at night and most people in campus would be asleep. Your parents just left to let you rest for the night and the woman next to you was just checking on how you were feeling after the pressedure.

"You will be free to leave first thing tomorrow morning. Remeber to change the bandages everyday and keep the area clean

You slept happy and relieved that night.


When Sugawara woke up the next morning it took him a while to notice anything different. Things only came to like when his dorm mate pointed it out.

"Ya! Sugawara! Your chest has lots of flowers on it." called out his waking friend.

"Huh?" rubbing his eyes Sugawara tilted his head side ways before rushing to the bathroom.

In the mirror he could see the line of flowers that banded across his chest instead of the random splotches the where there before.

Gladiolus flowers represent strength, or strength of character tracing his hand over the straight line of flowers across his chest Sugawara sighed and threw a shirt on. Flopping back on his bed he let his eyes rest for a few minutes before he would really need to wake up.

His class being later in the day meant the Sugawara could sleep in and rest for a free hours. The only problem is, is that when he fell asleep for the second time it meant that it was also difficult to wake up. So when he did finally wake up from his long nap he was going to be late for his lecture.

He rushed out the door as soon as he could.


You had changed your bandages that morning, ready for the next day. So slowly You made your way out of your room and to the art studio where your lectures resided.

It was warm out, you took your time walking trying to make sure your banages didn't come loose. You looked down as you adjusted the bandage and turned a corner. A large brick wall blocked any view of on coming traffic from the other side.

Apparently the person you ran into head first didn't have x-tau vision either.

"I am so so sorry. Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" he asked holding his chin, "ow, that's going to bruise."

Looking up at the silver haired man in front of you you laughed.

"Shouldn't I be asking that question? I did head butt you after all."

The silver haired man laughed lightly as he studied you face. Smiling he pointed to you chin and let his posture relax slightly.

"Nice flower."

"Nice bruise." You smirked in return before holding your hand out to him.

"(L/N) (Y/N), recent cancer survivor and art student, pleaded to make your acquaintance."

He smiled gently and grabbed your hand.

"That explains a lot. I guess I'll have those flowers forever. The name's Sugawara Koushi, and the pleasures all mine."


I didn't want to go too in depth with this one.

I've been trying to get Kiwis attention because of BTS tickets but it's past 12 am and she's probably sleeping.....

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