Hinata Shoyo - Unbelievable

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Crossover: Noragami

Requested by @kumosanae10

Got to watch a new anime to write this! So thank you~~~

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader (?) (IDK...you're a sword) 

Word Count: 535


"Are your hands always this sweaty? 'Cause I swear I'll quit before your next job."

"I'm sorry, okay!? I was just nervous."

Hinata and (Y/N) always had an...odd relationship. With her being his weapon and all.

Known as a Shinki or Regalia, (Y/N) was found by Hinata when he had been getting a beating by a phantom that he couldn't handle alone. He had fallen and was about to quit when he had seen the glowing light out of the corner of his eye. Settling on his decision to make her serve him, he gave (Y/N) her name that was printed on the middle of her chest in black/white ink like a tattoo.

"It was tiny."


"Hey! That's rude." Hinata pouted. "We're connected ya know! I know what you're thinking!"

Hinata sat on the steps of a shrine as he pouted and wiped his clammy hands on his pants trying the dry them.

"And you call yourself a god." (Y/N) laughed.

Hinata blushed and diverted his gaze from his Shinki.

"You know, Hinata. The connection works both ways."


"You better get to him before that phantom does."

(Y/N) was held tightly in Hinata's hand as he ran towed the phantom who was temping a stressed teen. Being a weapon, and a large one compared to Hinata's size, Hinata had to grip (Y/N) tighter than most gods would need to hold their Shinki's.

"Yah! Not to tight you're suffocating me," (Y/N) complained as Hinata swung her through a phantoms head.

Hinata kept running before finally settling down in a calm area. Shooting up in a ball of light, (Y/N) went from a large blade with intricate designs back to her human self. Or as human as she could be.

Hinata's hand fell on (Y/N)'s shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

"Now, how are we gonna get food?"


Hinata held (Y/N) tightly trying not to fall over from fatigue. The day had been long with people getting in more trouble than most days they've seen in a while.

"You should rest Hinata."

Laughing Hinata held (Y/N) tighter, "Then I'll just rest on you~"

Sighing, (Y/N) held Hinata up and jumped along buildings to get to the nearest shrine where she set him down to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, Hinata."

"Only if you're in them~" he yawned before fully succumbing to his fatigue.

(Y/N) pulled out a pillow and blanket from a cupboard and set them down with Hinata.

"Heh, god, ya right."

She sat down next to him and patted his head gently, pushing stands of hair away from his eyes to not cause irritation.

"Only if I'm in them, eh? Watta sap."


I'm sorry if it didn't carry enough details and information that are in the anime/manga. I only watched the first two episodes before writing this! I will continue to watch it though. I wanted to make it somewhat fluffy for those who were traumatized by the angst....


Feel free to contact me~~~~~~~

Edited: 17/03/2021

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