Bokuto Kōtarō - Other Half

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AU: Soulmate - your soulmate has one half of a tattoo and you have the other half

Requested by Mabel428

Tags/Warnings: Fem! Reader

Word Count:


It was almost midday and (Y/N) and her fellow teammates were at the beach with their rival.

A few hours earlier, 9:00 am

The gym at Nekoma was reserved in the morning for a practice match between the female teams of Nekoma and Fukurōdani, and the two captains were having a nice conversation over at the side of the gym.

"I agree they really need a break. I suggest we go to the beach. We could cool off in the water." The captain of Fukurōdani, Ame, suggested.

They were discussing what to do after they had their match.

"Hmm, we should meet up there. That way we have time to get our things," (Y/N) commented.

"Alright, you have my number, I have yours, how about we meet up around 11:30 am? That way we will have at least an hour to get ready."

(Y/N) nodded and called the two teams to tell them the plan.



Everything was set up and you were laying on your towel. You had on a (F/C) bikini on underneath your baggy white shirt.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" To your left you saw Kuroo running in your direction.

"You didn't tell me you were coming here with the girls, why didn't you tell me?" He pouted slightly.

"It was planned this morning before our game, sorry."

Kuroo sat down next to you in the sand and started to push his hands through it.

"Some of the other teams are here. I was coming back from the bathroom when I saw you with yours and Fukurōdani's team."

Kuroo and you were fairly close. Being captains of the two volleyball teams at Nekoma you sometimes had to coordinate practices or games with each other.

"What are you wearing that shirt for anyways?"

You sigh slightly pulling at the hem on white fabric you were wearing.

"I don't want people seeing my tattoo," you said glumly.

"And why is that? Don't you want to find your soulmate?"

Kuroo looked at you with his head tilted slightly, his bangs falling in front of his right eye.

"I sometimes think I don't have a soulmate."

You didn't like the idea, but your tattoo didn't really seem to have another half. On the right side of your back you had a wing. It started next to your shoulder blade, looking like it came out of your back, and traveled down to your lower back. It was a folded wing of a bird, and didn't seem to have another half to it.

"It looks like a whole tattoo, and I don't want people thinking I found my soulmate even if I haven't. I guess I feel alone without a way of knowing he exists."

You looked back at Kuroo, Kuroo looked at you. The two of you sat like that, staring at each other intently.



His question was too quick for you to understand.

"I said, can I see it? I know you don't really want people to know what it is, but please? I really want to know."

You looked down at your lap for a few seconds to go over your options.

Once you decided, you grabbed the end of your shirt, pulled it over your body, and turned to face away from the boy beside you.

You jerked slightly when you felt fingers tracing over the ink on your back.

"I've seen this before," his voice was just above a whisper.


"I've seen this tattoo before."

You looked at him and within a second you were looking back at your discarded shirt with your feet in the air.

"Kuroo Tetsurō put me down this instance!"

"Not happening, kitten. You're gonna meet a talkative owl."

"Owls don't talk you idiot...they hoot."

"Ya ya, and kittens meow."

Kuroo ran down the beach with you bouncing on his shoulder.

"Oho oho! Dude, where were you? Is that a chick on your shoulder? Oh! Did you get me food!?"

"Boku, shut up! This isn't some chick!"

Kuroo put you down in front of him so you were facing his chest.

"This is (Y/N), my friend, and she is your soulmate."

Kuroo emphasized specific words to make his point clear.

Kuroo's face was dead serious while yours was completely dumbfounded, but your shock quickly ended when you felt rough hands on your back.

"Wish, I just like mine! But on the right side and not the left!"

In front of you, you saw Kuroo running through the hot sand to meet up with Kenma, but behind you, well, someone couldn't get their hands of you.

When you turned around, you were met with beautiful golden eyes, thick grey eyebrows, a large smile, and unnaturally spiky hair.

"Your eyes are pretty," you blurted unconsciously.

The tall male in front of you scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed by the sudden complement. You, on the other hand, were completely stunned that you let that slip out of your mouth.

"Thanks, yours are too, they're pretty shade of (E/C). My name's Bokuto Kōtarō."

Self proclaimed 'Bokuto' stuck a hand in front of you to shake. But you were in too much of a shock to react properly. So, instead you pulled him into a bone crushing hug with your head in his shoulder.

"Ha, nice to meet you too, (Y/N)," Bokuto wrapped his arms gently around you and placed his head on yours.

You didn't even notice that the female teams of Nekoma and Fukurōdani were freaking out at the loss of one of their captains. You were too busy having the time of your life with your other half.


With Kuroo & Kenma

Kuroo: Why do I have to feeling that this will end badly for me?

Kenma: Probably because Bokuto's going to brag that he got his soulmate before you did.

Kuroo: Don't Rub It In! Your words really hurt sometimes, you know that right, Kenma?

Kenma: Deal with it.

Kuroo: ( ; ゚Д゚)


Updated: 01/16/2021

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