Bokuto Kōtarō - Don't Cut It Idiot

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AU: Soulmate - a string that only you and your soulmate can see attached your fingers together and glows bright when you're close together

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader

Word Count: 745

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"Hey, Akaashi-san? Have you ever noticed this???" An excited Bokuto asked.

"Noticed what?" Akaashi asked, not noticing anything different.

"This (F/C) string attached to my hand!!! It's floating too!!" Bokuto said, pointing to the (F/C) string that only he can see.

"You're such an idiot. That's your soulmate string, you know, the one that leads to your soulmate."

Bokuto tugged to the string. He twisted, and yanked on the string. Though his eyes, the (F/C) string grew dim.

"Why is it glowing lighter????" Bokuto asked, worried.

Akaashi rolled his eyes. "It's probably because you keep pulling on it..."

"Okay! I won't ever touch this string again!!" Bokuto announced to the gym.

Heads turned to them, but when they realized it was their captain, they went back to what they were doing.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"Ouch," you said. You felt like someone was ripping off you left ring finger.

"What?" Tsukishima asked.

"Wow, you're not even going to say 'are you okay'?" You glared.

"Fine. Are you okay?" he asked, glaring back at you.

"It felt like someone was trying to rip of my left ring finger. There was a tug on it," you told him.

You and Tsukishima were walking home from Karasuno's last practice before they went on training camp. You were walking home together because he was your big brother.

"I hate to say it, but maybe it's your soulmate trying to cut the string," he joked.

You gave him a horrified look. "You can cut the string??"

"Yeah, you didn't know? If you cut the string then there's a possibility that you might never ever met your soulmate," he said, giving you a serious face. "So, are you going to the camp with us? Daichi said you could."

"Umm...yeah," you grumbled.

"Hey, that's probably not it okay? Don't be sad," he said, and took of his shoes and headed to his room.

You walked to your room and closed the door. You flopped onto your bed, faced down into a pillow, and listened to the silenced that flowed throughout the room.

Did your soulmate really try to cut the only thing that could led them to you? Could this person really not want to me you? You got up from your bed, and sat on the edge. You knew that Tsukki messes with you all of the time, and that you shouldn't listen to him because of his very sarcastic and mean demeaner. But he was your brother.

Two thoughts ran through your head as you laid down on you bed, one again: 1) was your soulmate really trying to cut the literal line between you two, or 2) was your soulmate just an idiot.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"You're such an idiot. Why on Earth would you try and cut the string?" Akaashi said, throwing a pair of scissors into an open road.

"I thought you were lying... I wanted to see for myself and something told me so..."

"Why would I lie? And how on Earth did you find a pair of scissors here? We're at a training camp!" Akaashi said.

"I just thought.....WOW look, it's glowing brighter! Look!" Bokuto said, throwing up his left hand in front of Akaashi's face.

"I can't see it, you know. Stop trying to show me it."

"But I want you to see it..." Bukoto frowned.

"You do know that if it glows brighter, than your soulmate must be around here somewhere," Akaashi said, putting his gym bag around his shoulder and they walked through the door.

Bokuto looked down at his hand, and the string grew brighter.

"Hey, look, Karasuno is here," Akaashi said, elbowing Bokuto in the gut.

"Look! There's Tsukki, let's say hi," he said, dragging Akaashi.

Right before Bokuto and Akaashi got to the Karasuno team, a person with (H/C) crashed into them. A blinding light shined through the eyes of you and Bokuto.

You looked down at your hand and saw a bright white ring circle around your finger.

"You're my soulmate?" you asked straight into Bokuto's eyes. You didn't know how, but you knew it was him.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

"Why did you try and cut the string???"   

"Because a piece of cheese said so." His expression showed no signs of deception.

"You're an idiot."

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Updated: 01/16/2021

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