Nishinoya Yu - Innocent

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AU: Gang/Organized Crime 

Requested by @dinomixer

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 743


She never spoke up. Too shy to do so. Nishinoya would stare at her from the back of the classroom as she scribbled down all her notes. He couldn't help it though, he thought she was just so cute.

Everyday, every chance he got, he would shower her with compliments and metaphors to show his love. (Y/N) picked up on every word he said, but never did anything to reply.

So it was decided, if she could not acknowledge him, he would make her.


The Friday of the week his plan was settled it went into action. He would catch her after school when all the clubs were finished and would confess his undying love to her.

Luckily, his own club activity was let out early so Nishinoya decided to use this chance to sit outside the door to her club room and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Until the door beside him opened.

"Nishinoya-san, what are you doing here?"

A classmate of his held the door open with his foot as he tried to close his backpack to prevent  letting the content spill from inside it.

"Ah, I was waiting for (L/N)-san," Nishinoya sighed.

"(Y/N)?" his classmate asked. "She left a minute ago through the other door." The boy pointed at the door that was a few meters down the hall.

"Ah, thank you! I'll be going then."

Nishinoya ran off in the direction he seen (Y/N) leave daily. Not that he was watching her or anything.

Nishinoya spirited down the street using all of his breath and only slowed down when he saw the girls uniform round the corner to an alleyway.

She could be in trouble!

He thought the worst and ran to the alley. Grunts and gasps of pain were heard along with the sound of heavy fabric landing on concrete. The sounds only started once he stopped at the corner and ended only a few seconds after.

Nishinoya peeked his head around the corner to see what had taken place in a matter of seconds.

The (H/C) girl he had been crushing on stood atop a pile of bulky men, swinging a metal pole around in her hand.

Nishinoya couldn't even hear her breathing. But lost his own breath when he heard her speak in the sweetest most sultry voice he's ever heard.

"When you want to get to the head of a gang. Never go for their daughter. They will always have something up their sleeve. Through a pipe is a bit unconventional, at least it wasn't a gun right? You'd all be dead if it were."

Ah, yes, so sweet he felt like he could bathe in her words.

The (H/C) girl turned toward the exit of the alleyway when she caught right of her classmate. (Y/N) froze on the spot, as if waiting for him to make the first move. They stood there in silence for a bit.

"You're a goddess."

The girl laughed at his comment but denied it anyways.

"Not even close Noya-san."

Nishinoya body stood straighter, possessing her words.

"You know my name."

(Y/N) nodded slightly digging her foot into the hard ground as she spoke.

"Kinda my job." She laughed slightly.

"A goddess knows my name."

(Y/N) looked confused, shaking her head and hands as she dropped the pipe she held.

"No, not a goddess."


"No, stop. Turn around start walking home. I need to make sure no one's following."

He did as she said and started walking in the opposite direction. So be it slowly, waiting for the girl to catch up.


"No. Stop, stop ,stop. I'm here okay I'm walking with you. Just shut your trap about anything you saw and we're good."

The two walked faster, Nishinoya leading the way.

"I'll shut up if you go on a date with me?"

It came out more like a question than he intended it to, but it got the point across.

"What, no."


"Okay, okay fine. I'll go on a date with you. Just don't call me that. Jeez."

Yup, completely infatuated with the innocent girl.

"What are you drooling for?! Keep walking!"


As mush as it may not go fully into depth about the whole mafia thing, it's ment to be following Nishinoya's point of view because he's completely oblivious.

Sooooo I hope you liked it~

Feel free to contact me~
Instagram: lb.bacon

Edited: 16/03/2021

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