Nekoma (Kenma)- 12:26

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Crossover: Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

Pretty much the Hunger Games of phones.

So.. I watched the first episode. And am watching the others as I write.

But I do this when writing crossovers because it would put me in the situation of the characters and I can make more natural decisions. I'm not sure how to fully explain it. But the decisions the characters make change the future so there you go. And thus the storyline is different.


Sitting in the corner of the gym, you 'watched' as your cousin play volleyball with his teammates. Kenma tossed the ball upward for one of his friends to spike before taking another to toss to another teammate. The pattern repeated itself over and over again before they switched drills to only start again with the repetition.

You were on your phone reading the text that changes every few minutes. It changed from negative to positive to negative again.

Thursday 5:20

Ball nearly hit

Straitening your back and lifting your head, you looked to the gym floor only to get smacked in the face with an on coming ball.

"Admittedly, I should have seen that coming." you said rubbing your nose as it started to go red.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Kenma asked from in front of the net.

"Ya, I'm fine." you said before looking at the time in the corner of your burner phone. "I'm going to home, I'll tell your mom that you'll be home later."

Kenma's mixed coloured hair bounced as he nodded. He turned back to his teams practice. You gathered your things pocketing the future diary and headed for the gym doors, calls of your cousins teammates coming from behind you as you left.

It was dark out now, you pulled your sweater tighter around you to protect you from the cold. Having gotten out of the gym, you checked your phone for the new updates of your diary.

Thursday 5:29

Makes an appearance

Thursday 5:30

---DEAD END---

"I'd look up from your phone if I were you. Number Two is around the corner. And she's not willing too let you get by her. She is after all holding her 'lovers' fate in her hands."

You stopped in your steps. watching as the text on your phone quickly changed to have a longer story hidden in the text. Your shoulder was the first to move in the direction of the voice, making you turn around to face the white haired man with red eyes that bore into your own. The space between your brows decreased as you looked at him.

"As much as I love the attention. If we don't get going, you be dead in minutes," he pointed to your phone, which you noticed had changed the text that displayed again.

Thursday 5:33

---DEAD END---

Lowering his hand he grabbed your wrist with a firm grip. "But don't worry I'll keep you safe."


The name Akise was one that had now became common throughout the day. Kenma, though not bothered by the boys sudden presence, was bothered by his teammates sudden need to be near his cousin at all costs.

Lunch had been normal for the most part, but when the team had noticed that you walked in, with the platinum blond boy next to you, they lost it.

"I mean, who is that guy?" Taketora grumbled, throwing his arm limply in the direction where you stood talking to the white haired teenager. "He just comes in and takes (Y/N) away from us!"

Kenma sighed as his teammates bickered around him, complaining over the fact that you no longer had the time to watch practices and games anymore. Kuroo struggled to calm everyone down but Kenma could tell that he was annoyed with the situation also.

Sighing, he took out his phone and began playing one of the many games on it.


"I don't want to be a part of this. I don't want to kill anyone but I don't want to get killed, but I don't want to take Deus's place. I-"

Akise took your hand in his and held it close to his chest.

"I-I could take you with me, you'd be a god but not take his place." His red eyes held a gentleness to them as he kept up his eye contact with you.

"But what about everyone? My friends? My family? Kenma can't walk in a straight line without a pair of feet next to him for him to watch as he plays on his phone? My-"

Akise squeezed your hand and smiled. "You'd be an observer of the game, you'd be able to stay with your friends and family. And you'd know how the game ends. You will be safe."

You looked at him and sighed. "You have my phone don't you?"

Akise nodded before taking it out of his pocket and placing it in your hand. "Why should I answer if you already know the answer?"

He smiled, using your hand to pull you into a hug. "You won't regret it. I promise."


"What just happened?! They're hugging! Someone stop them!"

Kenma shook his head as he scrolled through his phone pausing once he got to a certain point.

Friday 12:26



So.. of course not being able to get through the whole anime while writing this I most definitely didn't have full knowledge on how everything worked in the universe. But I kind of like how it went over all.

Any questions or random comments? Anything you want to be written? (I personally want to do some Harry Potter)


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