Kageyama Tobio - Never

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Soulmate AU : The last words your soulmate says to you are printed on your arm

I would add an author's note, but it's late, and I'm slowly forgetting how to spell things cause I'm tired 


The first signs of the virus was memory lost. It would start out simple, forgetting your keys, pin number, what day it was. Then within the week, the first visible mark would appear. It was a vein in your neck that would turn black. It would slowly travel down through your body until it stopped your heart.

There was no cure.


"Is it even safe to go outside?" you asked Kageyama.

He rolled his eyes. "It's not contagious (Y/N). Stop worrying."

You picked up your jacket from the couch and slipped it on. "Fine, but it must be contagious by some means. How do you think everyone gets it? What's written on my arm doesn't help ease me either."

Kageyama smiled at you. "Why won't you let me see what it say."

"Cause if you know, then there's a high chance of you saying it."

He shook his head. "It doesn't work like that, you know."

"I don't know what yours says."

"Yeah, about that," he sighed and took your hand. "It doesn't matter cause you'll never say those words to me because will out live this virus and you'll hear it when we're 112."

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Whatever you say. Why are we heading out?"

"You're the one who wanted ice cream."

"I meant it as you would go out and by me ice cream while I sit on the couch."

"Yeah, doesn't get your hopes up. Come on, let's go."


Don't leave me.


Kageyama was started to get worried. Maybe he was paranoid, but you seemed, off?

He was first set off when you asked him what day it was. Normally, it wasn't a problem, you would ask this almost everyday, but today was your 5th anniversary.

You never forgot birthdays, anniversary, or anything you deemed important.


You woke with with Kageyama's arms wrapped around you tighter than usually. His head was buried in your and you felt that the back of your shirt was wet.

"Kags? Are you okay?" You turned around a faced him. His head was down, and he kept wiping his eyes with his hand. "What's wrong?"

He looked up at you, his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He slowly raised his hand and touched your neck gently.

"You're neck."


You didn't remember much. Not where you lived, how to cook, or how to read time.

But you remembered Kageyama, and even if you didn't he was always there to remind you of everything important in your life.

You were hospitalized two months after.

You lasted longer than most. People who were affected were in the hospital a month into have the virus, but the doctors didn't know why you had lasted so long.

You felt you breathes become shorter and further apart.

Kageyama never left your side. He hand was constantly intertwined with yours as he told you memories. He told with happy with the sad and tied it together like a fairytale.

Your brain didn't remember any of them, but you knew that they happened. You had no doubt about it.


He stopped mid sentence and looked at you. "Yeah?"

You took in a breath. "Don't leave me."

He shook his head and kissed you lightly on his forehead.



Good luck to whoever's going to buy BTS tickets tomorrow 

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