Kageyama Tobio - Beast

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AU: Beauty and the Beast

Requested by @-kozumee Thanks for the request and I hope you like it.

Not exact. But it follows the story line. I had to shorten a lot or it would be too long.

Tags/Warning: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 2.6k+


"Father, I'm going into town," you called to your father as you grabbed a basket.

"Oh, okay. Be careful," he called as he pushed himself from under the large machine.

"Nothing's going to happen father. Not here, at least."

"Still, you never know," he said as he walked up to you.

"Okay father." You kissed his cheek. "I'll be back soon."





"Good day."

You made your way through the town's people, greeting them as you went.

"Monsieur!" you called. "Is there any bread to spare?"

"Ah, (Y/N). How's your father? He ate all the bread again?" the baker said, placing the food into your basket.

"He's doing fine. That stomach of his never stops though. Thank you!" You placed some of your coins in his hand before continuing through the village.

"What a strange girl."

Opening the wooden doors to the small library, you called for the owner, "Bonjour? Monsieur? Are you here?"

"Ah, (Y/N)! You're here! I was wondering when you'd show up," The librarian called from the back.

"Ya, I would been here sooner, but I had to pick up some bread for my father," you said, pulling a red book from your basket and placed it on the shelf.

"Any particular book you're looking for this time?"

Climbing the available ladder, you grabbed one with a blue spine and cover that matched your dress. "This one."

"That one? Again? But you've read that five times now. Aren't you tired of it?"

"Of course not. It's an amazing story of a girl who meets a prince in disguise and later finds out when she saves him from danger," you said, swinging on the ladder, making it role to the other side of the book shelf.

"Well, then, keep it!"

"What?" you asked, jumping of the ladder and rubbing your sore hands together.

"Keep it. It's yours."

"Really? Thank you so much!" you yelled, running out the door.

"Such a strange girl."

You sat at the edge of the fountain in the middle of town. The amount of people walking around diminished as you continued to read your book. It was calm and quiet for the most part, well it always was.

"Ahh, Oikawa~"

"Girls, girls. I know I'm handsome, but that doesn't mean you need squeal quietly," the man said, hands on the waist of his red coat.

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