Ushijima Wakatoshi - Painfull

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Soulmate AU: your soulmate experiences the same physical pain that you do and vice versa.

Requested by @BlazenJoker

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader, innuendos 

Word Count: 1.2k+


At about the age of five, especially after school while (Y/N) would be trying to read, bruises began to show on her knees. Well, they had always appeared before. Just not this frequently.

Bruises would litter her body daily and would take days to fully heal. Eventually, (Y/N) did get over the pain, they became more of a decoration of discolouration on her hips, knees and elbows. Like a blue one she currently had on her shoulder that resembled a heart. (Y/N) joined a soccer club not long after and got bruised and cut from that too. She was healthy. And it was all well and good until her second week of high school.

"Maaaaa!! Mamaaaaa!"

(Y/N) was laying down in her bed, hands pushing against her lower stomach. The feeling of being punched repeatedly wasn't what she wanted to wake up to.

(Y/N)'s mother, who had heard her screams, ran upstairs to see what the problem was. She looked at her daughter's bed to see (Y/N) still in her pajamas under her blanket and covered in sweat.

"(Y/N)," she said rushing to her side. "What's wrong?"

Trying to speak through the pain in her lower abdomen (Y/N) let out a small whine.

"My stomach," she managed. "I'm dying."

"Okay, okay. Can you sit up?" she asked holding (Y/N)'s shoulders.

(Y/N) nodded and used one hand to push her head off her (F/C) pillow. The slight movement caused pain to shoot through her body and send her crashing down on the pillow. (Y/N)'s mom pulled off her blanket and laughed.

"You're not dying, sweetie, but I can't say much in terms of blood loss."



Ushijima, the famous volleyball star, was doing his early morning run like every morning since middle school. The sun was covered by overcast, but the temperature was high, creating ideal weather for any sport enthusiast.

He was just rounding the last corner to his house when aching pain shot through his back and stomach. He cringed at the feeling, but pushed through it and got home.

The third-year slowly shuffled to his bedroom and rested his back on the wall as he sat on his bed. Ushijima had never felt pain like this of any sort. It was brutal. He gently pushed his hand into his stomach and massaged the area.

After a few minutes the pain subsided and he was packing up his things to head to school.


(Y/N) sat in her classroom trying to not let her pain be visible through her face. As she sat there, her middle school friend had noticed (Y/N)'s awkward position and approached her.

"It finally happened, didn't it?" she asked.

(Y/N) looked up at (F/N) and tilted her head slowly.

"Oh, it's nothing," she spat out. "Just a bruise on my shoulder. (Y/N) lifted her uniform sleeve to show the heart that had formed there.

(F/N) plopped her body down in her seat next to her best friend and relaxed, kicking her feet up on the table. Not caring for the revealing skirt she wore.

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