Kenma Kozume- Superstition

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AU: Fantasy of sorts

I'm going to try and do a double update today to catch up on things. But I don't know what character to write for, so feel free to say which character you want for the next chapter.

Kenma is barely in this..... Oops

Locations and practices are coincidental and only only meant to drive the plot of the story.


The people in your village were ones of superstition. Claiming that come ridiculous action could cause a negative reaction, or believing there were gods based off of stories that were centuries old.

You weren't aloud to eat rice with the time of midnight to three in the morning, or leave any food left on your dish. Do so and your suffer ugliness and heartbreak, in that order. Unmarried women couldn't step into the sun without an umbrella, or other sorts of coverage, or else they wouldn't find a man to live them, a family with no sons to carry the name were to suffer through starvation.

Most ridiculously, A God that lived upon the tallest mountain, Talli, that oversaw the village would grant a man his greatest desire if they were to find him.

Your family happen to have 7 daughters.

But no sons.

So after your mother's last pregnacy, where the docter told her that another birth would kill her, your whole family turned into despair. It was as if everyone had fallen into severe illness over night. Over eating as they tried not to starve, silent and unmoving bodies seemed to be the ones you lived with, an unexplainable sadness seemed to plague everyone's mind and the only word given to you to describe it was depression. You were the only one who didn't seem to be affected.

Your parents didn't work, didn't bring money home to feed your large family. The burden was out on you, the oldest. Your sisters failed classes before dropping out of school all together. You became the stable and responsible one of the family.

Weeks after the dark cloud seemed to cover your home, once you turned 16 you strode up to your parents who wallowed on the family couch, looking pathetic. You stood tall, confident and certain, and gave your proposal.

"I will be a man in this household, hide my identity and be your son. I will fulfill every need that must be met as the son of this family and take you from this slump you've put yourselves in. But, I will not tolerate you or the rest of this family acting pathetic and disabled only to drive yourselves over the edge of Talli mountain and to your own deaths. Do I make myself clear?"

You made your parents cry.

Your stomped over to the kitchen to grab a pair of scissors and made your way to the bathroom where you proceded to chop off the hair from your head. Getting it even was a task and every slice made have you more and more anxiety. Once you were finished you brushed your fallen hair into the trash and walked to your room.

A bandage typically used for injuries was used to make your torso flatter and straight, and clothes that you wore for labour work went over top. You grabbed a bag and filled it with things meant for long travel and left your room.

Your parents continued to cry as if they were in pain.

"Be quiet!" you wailed over top of their monstrous cries.

"You will pick yourselves up and work? Because I have young sisters that I love and will do anything for, that are starving because of you two. And I won't tollerate the two of you being terrible parents because you believe that your lives are over after not having a boy! Are your daughters not enough for you? Why can't you be happy with what you have and forget the views of the public eye? Even For A Minute!


Your throat hurt. Your parents sat stunned at the sight of their daughter.

To them, you looked like a disgrace.

"I don't care if you hate me for this. But I will do what I have to to make the two of you satisfied. And because you are being so neglectful," you voice came out as a painfull whisper.

"I will trek up Talli mountain, searching for a god I do not believe in, so that the two of you can live knowing that your son had his wish granted by the god to keep you alive. If I don't come back, because I likely won't come back, I will think of me as dead."

The door slammed behind you, shaking the house and those of your neighborhood. Families that stood outside sent you curious looks, wondering where the son of your family had come from.

You didn't turn back.


Your bag was large and carried everything need for at least a week in the mountain's forrest.

But in had been 8 days and your were low on supplies. Your body ached and you feet bled from over working. Once the 'path' you were taking came to flat ground, you dropped your bag off your shoulder, fell on top of it, and cried.

Your body burned and cried out in pain. The screams you let rip trough your body weren't enough to portray the heartbreak and ache you were feeling. You hands clenched tightly to your cushiony bag as you let sons rack through your body.

Once the years and the pain subsided you looked through the thick forest as the sun because to set and let you eyes rest in a distant glow from a cave.

Your mind stopped, opening your eyes wider you saw that the light flickered and moved. Hastily grabbing your bag you sprinted through the trees with the adrenaline that the situation have you.

Stepping into the entrance of the cave you saw a flame in the middle of a gorgeous set up that looked as if it took decades to create. You dropped to your knees and let the confusion in your mind settle.

Had those myths been right all along?

In front of the fire a man sat. Long hair fading from one colour to the other, the fire giving it an orange glow. His had reached upward in your direction and motioned you forward.

Without needing to move a muscle, your body floated over and sat next to him.

"Took you long enough." he seemed to sarcastic for a god.

"Stupid villagers and their problems, you were right to stand up to your parents but it truly is a waste coming here. All those superstitions are a bunch of ah what the word?... Whatever, it's not important." the man rambled in a monotone voice seemingly bored. But he didn't stop, as if he hadn't spoken to someone in ages.

"You wanted a wish? Well I can't give you one. That's not my thing. But I can offer an exchange."

You were panting, still exhausted from everything. You let out a questioning hum and furrowed your brows but didn't have the energy for anything else.

"If you stay here and give me company for all enternity and live a good life, I will give your family prosperity and hapiness everything they could want. But you will never see them again."

You whined, trying to cry out but gave up as you voice woulnt let you speak. Your options were limited and in the end you only had one choice.

Thinking of the live they could live without you there, you nodded.


Sooooooo, this kinda broke my heart to write.

So you guys tell me a character that you want me to write for and I'll do the next one for them.

Ya Ok that's it.

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