Kageyama Tobio - Howl

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AU: Werewolf/ Abo

-Alphas are higher in ranking
-Werewolves must marry in the same class
-Omegas are lower in ranking.

Requested by @mokaallie

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader, Cinderella sort of story, kinda

Word Count: 682


He could risk his life!

No too risky. But maybe it was just what he needed. An action that would push him higher in the standings. There was currently nothing that would help him though. Everything was peaceful.

The omega sighed as he stared at the castle he was meant to protect. He was envious of the wolf that would stay outside the chambers of the princess should a problem arise. He, whoever he was, would see her on a daily basis, offering her guidance and protection. They were probably best friends with the princess.

Kageyama slumped against the gate outside the castle, listening to the never ending chatter of the guests inside. The smell of pastries was over bearing, but it couldn't cover up the smell of roses. The sent that followed the princess around due to her growing them on her window sill. Ah, the princess.

The princess was to be wed. To whom, no one knew yet. Princes, noblemen, and high standing men of law; all Alpha males, arrived with their families in hopes they could win the heart of the King. Yes, the king, for it was his final decision on who would marry his daughter.

Kageyama studied the men that entered the castle. They wore bright colours, mostly royal blues and purples, likely hoping they'd catch the king's eye. Their hair was either slicked back or scruffy and the clothing they wore was tight fitting.

He looked at his own clothing, the sliver armor with red fabric to show they were man of the castle. Kageyama wished the princess would be wearing the same colours even if it were in small portions.

The celebration went on and the music played. Kageyama could hear the sound of their shoes tapping on the ballroom floor as the guests dances in circles. He could sleep soundly if the music were to lull him to sleep.

The gates of the castle closed once every guest had entered. Kageyama fastened the lock before leaning against the hard metal and allowing himself to dose off, dreaming of the princess.


(Y/N) sat upon her thrown observing the guests that had arrived. A sea of blues and purples danced around the room and the constant twists and turns of the dancers made her dizzy.

Men and women alike were showing off their abilities to transform, ripping their clothing in the process. One man, cocky as can be, strolled up to a competing group of Alphas and morphed into his furry form.

The large size of him seemed to have grabbed the kings attention, as he strolled over and stocked up a conversation the the nobleman. The man changed back, his blue clothes were ripped on every stitch.

(Y/N) stood up from her seat and patted down the off white dress she wore and walked to the the room over, away from the aggressive crowd. She nodded to her guard as she pushed the door open. The next room, wasn't in any better shape. It sported refreshments and music too. Men and women talked, danced around, ate food and competed.

(Y/N) walked further until making it into a secluded room. The only sound was the faint chatter of the guests a fair bit away.

"Finally," she sighed in content. "They were too loud."

She strolled over to the side of the room and sat on the window sill. Her eyes trailed along the path that led out of the castle, wondering what would be on the other side of the gate.

Her vision landed on a figure leaning on the gate, red colour showing indicating that he was a man under her authority. She stared down at him from the window curiously, before a loud crash resonated in one of the rooms over.

"Too loud."

"But princess, if they weren't loud. They would hear you scream."


Sorry not sorry.

Instagram: lb.bacon

Edited: 15/03/2021

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