Tendō Satori- Scribbles

17K 745 238

AU: soulmate - when your soulmate writes on their body it shows up on your body, and vise versa.

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader

Word Count: 1k+

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From what you could tell, your soulmate was really weird or at least a little crazy.

You didn't know who they were, but you would constantly see random lines on your arms; you wouldn't even call them lines they were more like scribbles.

Sometimes when you rolled up your sleeves to wash your hands, you would see a long pen mark on your arm that went from your inner to your elbow.  

You had recently moved from (random Haikyuu!! School) to Shiratorizawa.

You quickly put on your new uniform; it still had that new packaged smell. You said goodbye to your parents and left to catch your train.

You were late.

You went your locker and changed your shoes, and hurried to the office.

"Umm, hi, I'm a new student and I don't know where I'm going..." you said awkwardly.

You were never really good talking to new people (sorry if you're aren't). The women sitting behind the desk looked up, gave you a glare, and then started typing something into the computer — scary.

You stood there glancing awkwardly around the room until the women gave you a slip and a timetable.

You looked at it: (L/N), (Y/N) 3rd Year, Class 2.

Well, how was that supposed to help me when I have no idea where anything is?  

Great, now you have to find where that is.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

You walked around each floor looking for your classroom, not really caring anymore if you were late or not.

You were looking for about 20 minutes, before you actually found the classroom — and being the absentminded person you were — you just walked into the classroom.

Everyone's eyes turned to you. You ignored the looks, and walked the teacher apologizing for your rude interruption. You bowed to them and told them about your predicament.

They let you off the hook, but only because you were new. They told you to take a seat in the back of the class, next to this red-haired boy with spiky hair and a sleepy expression on his face.

Your eyes meet for a brief second, and he glanced at you, giving a look. You turned away, but sat beside this strange boy. You quickly got out your pencil and notebook and tried to follow along with the lesson.

He had a pen in one hand and was drawing or writing something on his arm. You couldn't see what it was, but it looked like it took up his entire arm.  You guessed that he was writing something to his soulmate.

After the bell rang, the red-haired boy gave you one last glanced and walked out of the classroom. You have never meet someone like this, but you've never really talked to anyone so how would you know.

It was already lunch and you were sitting alone. It didn't hurt your feelings because it was your first day and you haven't talked to anyone besides the teacher. And you didn't really want to have lunch with them.

You sat on a bench under a tree, and ate your homemade bento. You ate your lunch, and by the time you've finished there was still about half an hour left until classes started again. You decided to walk around the school ground to get a "feel" of the school, or at least that's what your parents told you do to.

You took your sweater off because it was warm outside. Once you took if off, you noticed another pen mark. This time it was loops going around your arm and it circled back to your wrist.

You got up, grabbed your sweater, walked through the gates of the school, and started to walk around.

You were walking around with your head down, so you didn't really see much. You kept walking until you heard the squeaks of running shoes on a gym floor.  

Being the curious person you were, you walked inside. You saw three people there, one of them was the red-haired boy that was in your class. He was standing on one side of a volleyball net, and the other two were on the other side.

A coppered-haired boy was standing in the middle on the other side of the net. The other boy had dark olive coloured hair; he threw the ball up to the air and threw it perfectly above the copper-haired boy.

The olive-haired boy took a step back and ran up to the volleyball, that was now in the air, and jumped. It looked like the red-haired boy was about to jump and block it, but he glanced in your direction and let the ball smack onto his side of the court.  

He went under the net and walked over to you. "Oh~~~what do we have here? Aren't you the new girl in my class? (L/N) (F/N)?"

"Well, I was just walking around and I heard the volleyball, so I went to see what was going on," you squeaked.

He looked you up and down, but stopped at your arm. "D-did you do that?"

You looked down at your arm that still had the loops of pen on it. "Actually, no. It was just there when I took off my sweater. I'm guessing that they're my soulmate because I didn't do it. They seem kind of weird though; everyday I would see new stuff on my arm, and most of them were stuff like this."

He raised his arm next to yours and the scribbles matched perfectly.

"I guess you're stuck with a weirdo."

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

You and the red-haired boy —Tendo Satori— walked back to class together. 

"So, why do you draw scribbles on your arm anyways?" you asked him.

"For incidences like this. So I can know when I meet my soulmate, and it will be obvious to see who they are," he explained.

"What if they always wear long sleeves?" You questioned.

"I didn't think of that."

"Of course you didn't."    

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Updated: 01/17/2021

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