Ushijima Wakatoshi - 'Hot' Pink

29.2K 1K 315

AU: Soulmate - when you bye your hair it changes your soul mates hair to the same colour.

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 1k+


"Ushijima, when I said you should get hair like mine, I didn't think you would go this far." Tendō was petting Ushijima's hair.

"I didn't dye it," said Ushijima, annoyed by the constant touching from the red headed male.

Swatting Tendō's hands off his head, he pulled the hood of his sweater back over his head.

Ushijima had woken up that morning with a slight tingling on his scalp. While brushing his teeth, he noticed the light hot pink colour of his hair, completely getting rid of his drowsiness.

He threw on a hood to try and cover the bright colour, but when he entered one of the many gyms of his school the breeze from opening the door blew his hood off his head. That brought him to his situation of someone petting his hair.

"Ah, hope your soulmate had a good reason for this," one of his teammates commented.

"It doesn't suit you at all."


On the other side of the school's campus, a girl was prancing around showing off her freshly dyed hair.

(L/N) (Y/N)'s aunt, whom she was very close to, was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. Though it would be easy to remove and her aunt would be alright, (Y/N) felt that she should give her aunt all the support she could give.

Her mother, a hair stylist, suggested that they dye their hair and took her sister and daughter to her salon to do so. Both got bright pink, the same as the ribbon for breast cancer.

So now, (L/N) (Y/N), the freshly new pink-ette was prancing around Shiratorizawa.


In her 3rd year classes, people would stare at her and ask her why she dyed it. (Y/N) explained what happened to her aunt as a response.

"You didn't do it to find your soulmate?" one of her classmates finally asked.


In all honesty, she actually never heard about soulmates. No one could blame her; they weren't really discussed. Most of the time people would temporarily dye their hair over break and it would fade away by the time school started back up.

But, nonetheless, people were surprised.

(Y/N) and two of her friends were eating lunch in their homeroom class in the corner away from everyone.

"You've never heard of soulmates?" another classmate asked.

"No, could you explain? I'm kinda lost."

And then the discussion started. Her two classmates went back and forth, throwing in different comments and stories of their own soulmates or a story from their friends.

"Ah, it makes a little more sense now. But one question, why? Why do we have soulmates? It seems illogical."

The two students were surprised. They've known (Y/N) for three years and never has she asked a question so serious. Most of the time she's just a ball of energy, never really making any sense.

"No one knows actually. At first, people couldn't even find their soulmate by hair colour, for them it just happened."

"Ya, the whole hair colour thing is just an easier way to find them. My parents didn't even know they were soulmates until my mom's sister put bleach in her hair as a prank. My parents were dating two years prior to that. One way or another you find your soulmate."

(Y/N) was fine until this point. Sure, she liked the idea of having a soulmate, but it was all to confusing for her.

"(Y/N) are you okay? You seem kind of out of it," The girl asked (Y/N) noticing her dazed behaviour.

"I'm fine, it's just a lot to take in, I'm not very used to the idea of soulmates just yet. I'm gonna get some air, clear my mind a bit. See ya in class."

And so (Y/N) packed up her unfinished lunch and walked out of the classroom.


"Hahahahaha! Oh, jeez Ushijima! You look 'Hot'."

When the rest of the team saw his new colour, they couldn't hold back their laughter.

"What happened?" Shirabu asked.

"I woke up this morning, and I had pink hair."

All day Ushijima was avoiding people because he didn't want them to laugh, but ultimately failed when Tendō decided to show the rest of the volleyball team at lunch.

"I'm going to go take a walk."

Ushijima walked out of the gym, pulling on his hood and leaving his team in the gym.

Once near the gate of the school campus, Ushijima noticed a bright highlighter walking towards him with a fast pace.

Not moving from his spot, the short girl flinched when she saw a pair of feet in front of hers. Looking up, she came face to face with Ushijima.

"Ah, Ushijima-kun. Hello."

The two had a few classes together but never conversed. Though, that didn't mean he wasn't surprised when she didn't have her usually bubbly attitude.

"(L/N)-san. Nice hair."

Taking half a step back (Y/N) played with the ends of her hair.

"Ya, I really like it." Her voice was a tone or two quieter than normal.

Ushijima on the other hand was shaking, well, on the inside he was. On the outside he had his regular intimidating exterior.

"It's very nice," his voice was deep, "it's like mine."

Looking up at the tall male (Y/N) was shell shocked when she saw him pull back his hood to reveal his matching pink strands.

(Y/N)'s expression went from 0 to 100 really quickly and she started jumping around like a five-year-old.

"You're my soulmate!" she yelled.

Even though she was still confused about the whole concept of soulmates, it didn't mean she wasn't going to accept it for what it was.

All off a sudden, (Y/N) stopped jumping, facing away from Ushijima and turned her head to face him.

"You look 'HOT' Ushijima," she said, holding back a laugh and using her fingers for air quotes.

Closing his eyes, he shook his head.

"Please stop."

He waited a few seconds before opening his eyes again.

(Y/N) was laying on the floor clutching her stomach while tears fell from her eyes.

He was worried.

She was dying...

Of laughter.


Sorry if it was bad!

I couldn't think of what to do for the ending.

Don't Kill Me!!😭😭😭

Luv u(ФωФ) - Bacon 


Updated: 01/16/2021

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