Kageyama Tobio- Old Traditions

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So before I write this. You must know that I know very little about the Philippines. It was requested that this is where it would take place so I will try my best to do them justice.


Your family had, well, expensive tastes. Luckily, they were able to sustain their life style with high paying jobs. But it also came at a price. Being the youngest and only girl of three siblings, you took the burden of the first girl of the family, carting the traditions that came with it like a heavy bag pack.

You had grown fond of Japan after moving there and became close to Kageyama and his teammates as well. And once summer break came around, you had the short period of time to spend it with them. Your father, wanting to flaunt his cash, had invited the whole tream (including the coashes) on a vacation to your home country, the Philippines.


"You must follow and complete these tasks if you wish to have my permission to date my daughter."


"Or I will send her away to Canada to live in their cold winters. And you will never see her again."

Kageyama stared up at the towering figure that was your father as the large group had fun at the shore of Mactan. Kageyama nodded brows scrunching together. The man walked away, leaving Kageyam to state at the beach in front of him.

Task 1:

Kageyama wasn't one for buying gifts. But when your father have the challenge to spend money on his daughter like he did, he almost fainted.

Gifts on top of gifts were given to you, to the point where you were receiving one every meal for a couple of days.

You looked at the necklace that was in your hand. A pair of crows that flew intertwined were attached to a chain. You smiled fondly at the gift, stroking over the image with your thumb.

But it was snatched out of your hand before being thrown back into your lap with great force.

You looked at your father, his silhouette created a shadow over you and blocked your sight of the setting sun and it's beautiful colours.

"Complete trash." the man walked away leaving you wallowing in the little happiness that was left in the gift.

Task 2:

Poems where terrible. Kageyama couldn't form the words to do what he wanted to express and left the words on the piece of paper a jumbled mess of random words thrown together.

Kageyama sighed, he leaned against a tree panting after he had given you the little bit of expressive writing.

You read the sheet of paper. As you say in the shade over looking the Mines View Park. The greenery that surrounded you was breathtaking.

The words were even better. Though not necessarily well written or grammatically correct at times. It displayed the true awkwardness, shyness, and genuine love that the boy had for you.

The moment vanished as the paper was ripped from your hand and into tiny pieces that flew away in the wind.


You couldn't help but look helplessly at the flying shreds of paper and despritly reach for them because it was something the showed the true character of the raven haired boy.

Task 3:

As the days went by, you began to loose hope that Kageyama's efforts would be useless and lead to the eventual separation of the two of you. You couldn't bear it.

The Manila Ocean park was open for visitors and you spent your time separated from your group and enjoying some time looking at the various types of aquatic life.

A sea turtle had made It's way toward you and pushed its head on the glass. You mimicked its pattern and smiled at the genuinely curious creature. You were about to speak when smthe strumming of a guitar was heard from behind you.

Kageyama was on a single knee and strumming a guitar. The words that flowed through him where mediocre at best but carried an innocent love through them as he tried his best to explain his feeling not only to you, but your father.

Your hand played with the crow necklace at was astound your neck as Kageyama finished playing to the audience that had gathered and pulled you into a hug.

"Your father doesn't like me."

"I know," you whispered, "he only liked my family and money."

You pulled back from the hug to look him in the eye

"That that doesn't matter, because I like you. And I'm your girlfriend, not him, so you shouldn't need to impress him."

Kageyama pulled you in tighter and whispered gently.

"Thank you for this trip." he said, his words carrying more feeling than they sounded.

"No, thank you for making it worth while."


Once again. I form know what the place is like, I just chose some cool places and incorporated them into the story.

So I hope you liked it.

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