Eita Semi - Jet Lagged

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AU: Soulmate - only your soulmate can see the name written on your wrist

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 789

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Tired, drowsy, and beat were words that could describe how you felt at this moment.

You had just gotten off a plane from (place with a different time zone). You tiredly walked up the stairs to your room, and flopped onto your bed.

"(Nickname), what are you doing? You're going to be late for school!" Your mom shouted.

Wait, what? You just got off a plane, and now you have to go to school?

"What?" you shouted back.

"Get dressed, I'll drive you, but you gotta hurry if you're going to make your first class!"

Still dazed, you got up from your bed and walked over to your closet. Your eyelids dropped, and you lazily put your hand to the far left of your closet where you kept your Shiratorizawa uniform.

When you finished putting on your uniform, you noticed that your shirt was backwards and so was your tie. You groaned and fixed your uniform.

You plopped your way down stairs. 

"There you are, come on, into the car." Your mother dragged you into your car, and drove to school.

You took a nap.

"Wake up, we're here."

You opened your eyes as you mom shoved you out of the car. Droopy eyed, you walked through the hallway to your locker. You tried to reach for your bag, but you felt nothing. You kept patting your back where your backpack strap should be.

You forgot your bag at home.

You frantically looked for a clock. 8:42 am the clock read. School would start in three minutes and it took you at least 10 minutes there and back from school. You groaned and walked to class. Lucky, you found a pencil and a few pieces of stray pieces of paper.

You heard the bell ring. You slammed your locker, and ran to your class; which, to your luck, was on the other side of the school. You started running to your class, but a body stood in your way. You collided, and fell.  

You immediately jumped up and bowed. "Sorry!!"

Once you looked up, you saw a few players from the boy's volleyball team. You bent down and started to pick up your paper and pencil. You were about to reach for a piece of paper that slid a bit further away, when someone with a blacked inked word written across their wrist gave you the paper.

The person didn't talk, but their eyes were wide open. It looked like they were about to say something, but you ran off to your class.

You were late.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan, why are you here? Didn't just come back from your trip?" One of your friends asked.

You had your head on the desk, so you just nodded. You turned your head and faced your friend. "But there was this guy who helped me pick my stuff when I crashed into them. It was kind of weird though, I didn't know that people started getting tattoos so early in life. Don't you have to be like 18 or something?"

Your friends sat down in front of your desk. "Did you say that this guy had a tattoo?"

You nodded your head.

"Was the tattoo on his wrist by a chance?" Your friend asked, his/her voice dropped a note.

You nodded your head again, yawning.

You felt a sharp pain on your head. "Baka!"

You lift your head up and rubbed the spot where your friend hit you. "What was that for?"

"That was your soulmate, idiot," your friend said.

You shook your head and laughed slightly. "No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it was."

"No, it wasn't," you said.

"Yes. It was."

You hit your head on the desk. "Crap, it was."

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

You walked to where the gyms were and stood there. You could here the speaks and slaps of the volleyballs that had hit the floor. You felt something lightly tap your ankle. You looked down and saw a volleyball. As you picked it up, someone came through the door of the gym.

"Oh...you're the person who ran off before I can tell you that you're my soulmate."

Before you could say something, you felt your eyes grew tired, and sudden weight on your shoulders, pushing your centre of gravity forward.

Grabbing you in his arms and pulling you forward into an awkward hug, the boy successfully kept you from falling flat on your face.

"Ugh.. I'm Eita Semi by the way, nice to meet you too, soulmate... seriously, she couldn't even get her name in."

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────• 

I'm considering posting my Hinata x reader story soon....

Updated: 01/17/2021

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